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Stereo Atlas

Slit Lamp

Retina Blues

Photo Slit Lamp, Martonyi

Classic Reference

Slit Lamp:
Examination & Photography; $86.00

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Slit Lamp:

Revised and Expanded
Third Edition

Describes slit lamp instrumentation & principles in detail.

Step-by-step lighting includes diagrams for various situations.

Special 'how-to' techniques including gonioscopy and vital dyes.

New chapters!
Stereo Slit Lamp by Marshall E Tyler
External photography by Pat J Saine

The new hardcover edition is almost
twice the size of the 2nd edition with
149 pages and 400+ illustration

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What Others are Saying (about the previous edition):
Clinical Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy and Photo Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy

“This is the most clearly written and beautifully illustrated text on this subject” and “Every ophthalmology resident should own this text”
American Journal of Ophthalmology

“This tutorial will be considered the standard guide...”
Journal of Biological Photography

“A comprehensive resource for those interested in properly learning the difficult art of slit lamp photography...” and
"It is extremely well presented, specific, and complete."

Journal of Ophthalmic Photography

“The high standard of the photography should inspire the reader to further efforts...” and
"The clear and concise text should enable the reader to achieve..."

British Ophthalmic Photographers' Association

“... beautifully illustrated atlas of various anterior segement disorders” and
“... an all in one resource on biomicroscopy...”

New England Journal of Optometry

Hardcover 149 pages, 400+ illustrations

Time One Ink
ISBN 13: 978-0-615-16519-6
ISBN 0-9625512-0-1 (2nd edition)

New Edition has arrived from the printer. We are now shipping this fine new book.