Plastics & circular economy: are you the one we are looking for?
Seeking case-examples of of how the plastics loop can be closed in electronic and electrical products

Plastics & circular economy: are you the one we are looking for?

Does your company design and manufacture electronic or electrical plastic products? Do you have a great product you think more people should hear about? Are you taking steps towards circularity through modularity, reparability, re-manufacturing and recycling of plastics?

If your answer is yes to all of these questions, then contact us via LinkedIn today to get featured in our Nordic report showcasing circular economy frontrunners.

Your benefits:

1) Presenting your achievements & frontrunner position

2) Getting your company and circular product featured

3)  Furthering the transition towards a circular economy

As we all know, the key to a circular economy is design. The Nordic Council of Ministers wants to explore circulation of plastics in electronic and electrical products. In particular, the focus is on designing the product in such a way that plastic circulation becomes possible.

The aim is to find inspiring examples of how the plastics loop can be closed in electronic and electrical products as well as identifying bottlenecks hindering the transition towards a circular economy of plastics. In addition, we work on a set of recommendations to find solutions to this ecosystemic challenge.

Ethica, a circular economy consultancy based in Helsinki, is managing the project with its Nordic partners Technical University of Denmark and VMG Consulting.

We are seeking case examples and interviewees who would like to share their experience and knowledge on these issues. We are interested in, for example, how durability, modularity, reparability, re-manufacturing and recycling have been taken into account during the design phase and how this information has been communicated across the value chain. Or maybe you are moving into product-service system enabling you to get your product back for remanufacturing? Perhaps you are using recycled plastic in your current production? We recognise that none of the aforementioned topics is easy to execute, so even if you are still in a ‘trial and error’ phase, we would be happy to talk with you.

Policy-makers: we would love to hear from you as well: what should/could be done through legislation to transform linear plastics flows into circular ones?

In the big picture, this project contributes to Nordic Programme to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Plastics and European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy.

Contact any team member to find out more & set up an online interview: Anne Raudaskoski Torben Lenau Anna Velander Gisslén Tapani Jokinen Anna-Luise Metze

You can also send us email: or

Let's talk soon!

#circulardesign #plastics #circulareconomy #EU #regulation #ecodesign


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