Tooth, Sinus and Facial Pain:

The Common Nerves Often Lead To Misdiagnosis Rather Than Eliminate Pain!

A Tooth, Sinus and Facial Pain Solution is out there

tooth-and-facial-pain-chicagoA dentist who understands the principle of physiologic dentistry might be the best placed to effectively solving your discomfort if your tooth and facial pain is caused by a malfunctioning jaw, or temporomandibular, joint (TMJ).

Have you been:

  • waking up at night as the painkillers wear off?
  • finding that facial pain and tooth sensitivity has impacted the quality of your life?
  • to your doctor to find a solution with no results?

If this sounds like you, maybe you have been looking for relief in the wrong place.

Do I have TMJ Disorder?

Symptoms include migraines, neck pain, jaw pain, lower back pain, snoring, sleep apnea.
Use our Free TMJ Disorder Assessment Tools

When the joint is out of line, life certainly isn’t fine

Your TMJ is the complex, flexible system that gives your jaw the ability to move up, down, back and forth, and sideways which allows you to speak, yawn and chew.

Normally, our two TMJ joints work smoothly and painlessly, but,  if you suffer from unresolved, undiagnosed pain in your face or teeth, it could a result of a TMJ joint that isn’t working properly.

When your TMJ is misaligned, unbalanced or damaged, your jaw muscles must work extra hard to compensate. As they tire, pain is created by the pressure these strained muscles put on the surrounding nerves.

There are many common movements and habits that can cause TMJ tooth and face pain:

Once chewing and biting does not take place evenly, it puts pressure on the TMJ.

Facial and Sinus Pain Referral:

See our patient testimonials

Tooth pain can be relieved by relaxing your jaw muscles

tmj-massageIt may be a relief to know that the TMJ pain you have been experiencing can be reduced by relaxing the muscles that control your TMJ. It’s not difficult to imagine that when you chew and speak it involves the co-ordination of your TMJ.

Myofascial Pain or muscle pain often refers pain to teeth , sinus , and facial areas.  Misdiagnosi often occurs because the facial nerve and trigeminal nerve are responsible for all headache pain, migraine pain, sinus pain , tooth pain and many other painful conditions.

If there is any disruption to the correct health  movement of the joint and function of the jaw muscles, friction may well occur . If you haven’t been able to find relief through other forms of treatment,  it may be time to make an appointment with a dentist.

This muscle relaxing procedure (known as phase I TMJ treatment) can have an almost magical effect on your tooth and facial pain. By relieving the jaw muscle strain through the use of a ULF-TENS machine, your jaw is able to relax into its optimal position, taking pressure off the nerves that are sending tooth and face pain signals to your brain.  After achieving physiologic rest treatment becomes easy to manage starting with a physiologic diagnostic neuromuscular orthotic often incorrectly called a splint.

Harmonize your bite

A consultation with a dentist trained in physiologic dentistry can help devise a method of relieving your pain.

  • If teeth grinding is taking place at night (bruxism), a mouth guard can be fitted for night time use that prevents damage to the teeth from involuntary tooth movements.
  • If missing or damaged teeth are the cause of the misalignment, dental restoration can bring balance back to your jaw.
  • If genetics or an under-developed jaw are the source of the problem, orthodontics can reshape the jaw.
  • Epigenetic Orthodontics utilizing the DNA Appliance is especially effective as it orthopedically corrects the jaws.

By realigning the bite, the muscles relax which stop the nerves from releasing pain signals. These simple treatments might just lead to a complete solution to the pain you have been enduring for such a long time.  Pain signals are called nociceptive input or pain input to the brain.  The brain is a computer and in the words of computer geeks “Garbage in- Garbage out”  Chronic pain is a result of excessive nociceptive input over time.

Physiologic Dentistry eliminates most nociceptive input.

Ready to kick TMJ Pain for good?

Time to ThinkBetterLife!
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