Should You Quit? Top 10 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job

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According to a Joblist survey, about one-fifth of people who recently quit their jobs say they regret their decision. If you’re thinking about quitting, you’re obviously hoping to avoid being one of them. But how can you tell if you’re resigning for the right reason? 

Before you quit a job, you should be very sure you want to change positions. Once you've turned in your resignation, you probably won't be able to change your mind and get your job back.

Review the most common reasons people quit a job, how to decide whether to stay or leave, and the best way to move on when you have decided to resign.

Key Takeaways

  • Workers quit their jobs for many reasons, including bad managers, toxic work environments, salary issues, and personal responsibilities.
  • It’s best to have a new job lined up before you quit, but there are times when you may have to resign before finding another job.
  • To leave your job on the right note, give appropriate notice, write a letter of resignation, and prepare for future job interviews.

Why Do People Quit Their Jobs?

The conventional wisdom is that people don’t quit jobs; they quit managers. But while bad management is a common reason for quitting, it’s not the only reason people choose to change jobs. Low pay, lack of flexibility, and limited career options at the company also factor into employees' decisions, according to research. 

A FlexJobs survey showed that the most common reasons people quit include:

  • Poor work-life balance
  • Low or unfair pay
  • Toxic company culture
  • Feeling disrespected or undervalued
  • Limited advancement opportunities

Should You Quit Your Job?

Hating your job might not be a good enough reason to quit unless you have another job lined up. There might also be other reasons you should keep your job or wait for a better time to resign. You might even be able to turn things around and learn to love the place where you work. 

That said, there are times when quitting is the best option. Here’s how to know if it’s time to resign.

Top 10 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job

Reasons to quit your job

Emily Roberts / The Balance

1. A New Job 

The best reason for quitting a job is that you've found a new one. Before you quit your job, though, make sure that you've covered all the bases. Have a confirmed job offer letter, a cleaned-out computer and office, and a letter of resignation before you quit. 

2. Illness or Family Issues

Personal or family illnesses are both legitimate reasons to quit a job. If it's a legitimate reason to quit (i.e., you or someone in your family is chronically ill), make sure you have continued health insurance coverage after you leave


Be aware that you may be eligible for Family and Medical Leave due to personal or family illness.

3. A Bad Boss

Whether your boss is a micromanager, a bully, or just out of sync with your work style, it may be time to move on. If you still like your role and your employer, consider looking for opportunities to switch departments or teams before resigning. 

4. Difficult Work Environment

Co-workers, bosses, and a negative office environment can all make your job difficult. They can make your workplace somewhere you simply don't want to be. Once you have tried every option, you may need to leave. 

5. Schedules and Hours

When you lose childcare or your work schedule has changed, and it's difficult for you to adjust, you may need to quit your job and look for one that is more accommodating to your schedule. Leaving a job because of scheduling issues is a legitimate reason for quitting a job.

6. Going Back to School

Going back to school, either on a part-time or full-time basis, can necessitate a job change. Given your school schedule and the demands of your job, your current employment may no longer be a good fit.


Watch Now: Reasons to Quit Your Job

What You Should Know If You've Decided to Quit

Once you've decided to resign, it's important to do it as smoothly and gracefully as possible. Here’s how to resign the right way:

Give Appropriate Notice

How much notice should you give? In most cases, it's standard to give two weeks’ notice. However, in some cases, you may be unwilling or unable to provide notice. That's especially true if you are in a difficult or dangerous work situation. 

Write a Letter of Resignation

To be effective, a letter of resignation should state your last day of work and include your thanks for the opportunity. You can also offer to help train your replacement, if possible. Review sample resignation letters to guide your writing. 

Check on Unemployment Benefits

If you quit your job without good cause, you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits. However, there are certain circumstances in which workers can collect unemployment even if they resign. Don’t assume you’re ineligible until you’ve checked with your state department of labor about requirements. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I politely quit my job?

To avoid burning bridges, give at least two weeks’ notice when quitting your job. Write a letter of resignation, thank your boss for the opportunity, and offer to help with the transition. 

How do I answer interview questions about quitting my job?

The best way to answer interview questions about quitting your job is to be honest, brief, and positive. Resist the temptation to bad-mouth your former employer.

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  1. Joblist. "2023 United States Job Market Report." 

  2. FlexJobs. "The Changing Work Landscape."

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