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GAME: Nintendo Selling 3 Physical Switch Games For Every Console Sold In The UK And Spain

It’s no surprise to hear that UK retailer GAME are extremely pleased with Nintendo Switch sales thus far. The company revealed today to Games Industry that Nintendo is selling three physical Switch games for every console sold in the UK and Spain. This performances matches those of the immensely popular Wii console which launched back in 2006. No wonder they are pleased.

The retailer adds that across Spain and the UK (which is where it has stores), 469,000 Switch consoles have been sold for the first 36 weeks of its life. That’s about 49% of what the Wii managed to do over the same period (and that machine launched over Christmas), and 300% of what the Wii U managed to achieve (and that also launched over Christmas).



5 thoughts on “GAME: Nintendo Selling 3 Physical Switch Games For Every Console Sold In The UK And Spain”

  1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King {Sony+Nintendo=Sonyendo!}

    The wording confused me for a minute. For those that might get confused themselves, it’s basically saying for every Switch console sold, 3 physical Switch games were bought along with it.

    1. Yeah, through out the time I’ve been on this site, MNN words and punctuates their titles a bit confusingly. It usually takes a couple of tries to understand what they mean. This particular title makes me think that ‘GAME’ is having a sale where you get 3 games free or something…

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