
Anything That Catches My Eye

3 notes

Top Tweets of the (LAST) week

  1. Marriage VS Ph.D. - http://ow.ly/6mB4V #LOL
  2. My favorite thoughts form @TEDxMileZero - http://ow.ly/6qYbn #TEDxMZ
  3. #FreddieMercury Google Doodle - http://ow.ly/6lNQy
  4. Top 10 Lost Cities - http://ow.ly/6pUUN
  5. #SocialBusiness Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does, Neither Does Enterprise 2.0 - http://ow.ly/6o68m
  6. #Google Acquires Zagat, Says They Have a World-Class Team - http://ow.ly/6pwZB
  7. 30 Years of Music Sales in 60 Seconds - http://ow.ly/6keul
  8. 10 obstacles that #Startups should expect to encounter - http://ow.ly/64zaw
  9. The State of Social Porn - http://ow.ly/65uFp #Infographic

Filed under lol TEDxMZ TEDxMileZero TED tedtalks ted talks Freddie Mercury Lost Cities Social Business google music startups infographic

  1. obravo posted this