MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource: « PHP Parse Error » PHP error debug. Error: Function split() is ...
The PHP version on your web server does not support the split() function. It's likely you've installed a snippet or plugin coded for an outdated PHP version ...
I have installed TeMailer on Evo 1.0.5 and getting a error. Function split() is deprecated on lines: list ($id1, $fld) = split('[|] ...
Hi all! To solve this problem change maxigallery.class.inc.php line 242. From: $sizes = split('x', $max_thumb_size);.
Sep 22, 2012 · Did your host upgrade to php 5.3.x ? Function split() has been deprecated as of php version 5.3.0. Downgrade your php version on your local ...
Oct 12, 2011 · Working on evolution 1.0.5 with fresh maxigallery download and I'm getting this error:Error: Function split() is deprecated.
... MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource: « PHP Parse Error » PHP error debug. Error: Function split() is ...
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Error below: « MODx Parse Error » MODx encountered the following error ... Function split() is deprecated Error type/ Nr.: - 8192 File: /home/travelma ...
Oct 12, 2010 · Just installed MaxiGallery on a new site and I have the following error. Have searched forums but cannot see an answer. « MODx Parse Error »
Jun 3, 2013 · , то путем устранения данной проблемы будет замена устаревшей функции split() на функцию explode() в строке 844 или обновление ModX Evolution до ...