U2-Singer Bono :
Europe is a thought that needs to become a feeling

Von Bono
Lesezeit: 3 Min.
Ein radikaler Akt? Das Schwenken einer EU-Flagge in Berlin.
The word patriotism has been stolen from us by nationalists and extremists. Real patriots seek unity above homogeneity. Can we put our hearts into this struggle?

I’m told a rock band is at its best when it’s a little transgressive: when it pushes the bounds of so-called good taste, when it shocks, when it surprises. Well, U2 is kicking off its tour in Berlin this week, and we’ve just had one of our more provocative ideas: during the show we’re going to wave a big, bright, blue EU flag.

I’m guessing that even to a rock audience, waving an EU flag these days is either an annoyance, a bore, a kitsch reference to the Eurovision Song Contest but to some of us it has become a radical act. Europe, which for a long time triggered a yawn, today sparks a kitchen-table screaming match. Europe is the theatre of powerful, emotional, clashing forces that will shape our future. I say our future, because there is no way to deny that we are all in this boat together, in seas churned up by extreme weather and extremist politics.

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