‘Global warming’ is a topic that has been discussed at length for many years but recently it has become somewhat of a ‘buzzword’ that is thrown around and used without any context. ‘Carbon footprint’ is another one of these terms used in a similar way. Associated to an individual or company, a carbon footprint defines their contribution to global warming. But how many us truly know what our own carbon footprint is?

Admittedly, this is very difficult to calculate. Many of us share modes of transport – trains, buses, cars, planes and so on. After all, many of these services would run with or without us on board so we can’t possibly be having an impact, can we?

The issue has attracted major attention recently with the World Meteorological Organization stating that C02 in the Earth’s atmosphere jumped to a record high in 2016.

Below is a brief insight into what TDL’s carbon footprint could look like in a working calendar year.

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