Sofre les funcions d’un community manager


He vist al post Anybody Know a Good Community Manager? unes reflexions sobre com volen llogar un Community Manager al MIT Center for Digital Business. Ras i curt, el que demanen és

ONLINE COMMUNITY AND WEB CONTENT EDITOR, MIT Sloan School of Management, to provide leadership for a new online community and to work as part of a small, high-energy team running the MIT Center for Digital Business. Duties will include web design – light site design and user interface work to keep refining and improving our Jive-based community platform; writing – curator of content related to the digitization of business, including stories and interviews about digitization; and curating content by linking to and commenting on digitization stories found elsewhere on the web; editing – Working with guiding teams of students who will themselves be contributing and curating content; community managing – Managing the MIT CDB digital community, a behind-the-paywall community of people interested in digitization. This community will be established after the community site has been up and running for some time. While the position is initially part-time (15-20 hours), we expect the time and responsibilities to grow to full-time as the community develops.

REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree required; familiarity and facility with HTML and Jive Platform; experience in building dynamic digital communities – from content development to user acquisition; must be excellent writer and editor of content; knowledge of, and deep interest in, the digitization of business and growth of information technologies; tireless, self-motivated worker who can manage, motivate, and work with faculty and students; experience with social media preferred.

Aquest tipus de treball és força estressant i demana dedicació. Espero que estigui ben pagat!

Hi ha una frase que és especialment interessant:

Digitization is a topic not just (or even primarily) for the IT department; it needs to involve the entire leadership of the organization. But as we’ve looked around, we haven’t found the one central resource on that topic — the go-to place for news and discussion about digital business.

És a dir: la digitalització demana la involucració del govern (líders) d’una organització. En altres paraules, el web 2.0 no és una qüestió de tecnologia, sinó d’actitud.