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How to Get a Great Job Today

Updated Oct 3, 2011, 06:53pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Image by Señor Codo via Flickr

So you already know the economy is terrible and it’s a very tough climate if you’re trying to find a job. But what does a really good job search entail? It turns out there are specific things you can do to increase your chances of success, even in a down market. I recently heard of an outstanding job hunt executed by a Gen Y who left a coveted job in management consulting for a position in a new field. His story and advice apply to every job seeker.

Some background: Adam Willard has a B.A. and MBA from two Ivy League universities. After completing his B.A. in 2004, with a major In Religion and Creative Writing, he worked in leadership development consulting at a healthcare research company. After three years he decided to go to business school to learn some fundamental skills and have a broad look at different industries and functions, since he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do.

After business school Adam was hired by a large consulting firm, and during the next two years, while learning and growing professionally, he struggled as he found his personal life falling by the wayside to make way for his hectic work and travel schedule. Adam told me, “Balance is very important to me, and the lifestyle at my firm affords you great growth opportunities in a short amount of time; there are a lot of perks. But ultimately I didn’t feel I was living my values. I couldn’t dedicate my energies to family and friends and interests outside of work. And that became more and more frustrating.”

The other thing that Adam found was missing for him was industry-specific experience. Consulting by nature offers you a glimpse into different industries, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to become an industry expert as a consultant. In talking with consulting alumni who had gone to industry, he learned that in order to gain real industry expertise he would have to go to work on the client side.

So the decision was made. Luckily Adam worked for a firm that greatly values its alumni network and makes a point of creating a culture where one can seek new opportunities while still being employed at the firm, within a specific time frame. At this point, through numerous conversations with colleagues both within the firm and outside, Adam had narrowed his potential sector choices to media, provider-side healthcare, non-profit consulting, and government.

The day he told his firm he was leaving he reached out and set up more meetings. He also created a spreadsheet of the names of people he would contact in those industries. He created a list of more general conversations he planned to have with people he respected who could provide perspective, including a career expert (me), and those he found to be creative thinkers. Through his conversations, he had a list of books that were recommended. He bought the books and planned to read them and complete the exercises.

After three weeks into his job search, Adam says he was having an “existential crisis”. So much of his identity was wrapped up in being a consultant at a prestigious firm, and he worried he was letting go of too much. The “Who am I?” question kept rearing its head. To help organize his thoughts, he decided to: 1. narrow down the field of things he was exploring, by starting to think more concretely about what he did and didn’t want to do; 2. read Working Identity, a book I recommend to those who are considering a total career shift, and which focuses on the transition process as an experiment—as adopting new careers and trying them on to see whether they fit. The book helped Adam commit to a structured process of career experimentation, while giving him the latitude to make mistakes. And, he says, it gave him permission to go with his gut and trust his intuition, while still remaining rigorous in his approach.

In the interests of homing in on particular fields Adam decided, after another set of conversations, to rule out a job in government; the roles that were coming his way did not entice him. The other field he ruled out was non-profit consulting, since one issue with his firm was the consulting work they did, which he no longer felt he wanted to do.

The final contenders were hospitals and media. Adam describes his feeling that with hospitals, every step along the way, the doors would keep opening. Each person he met with would introduce him to the next person. And all along, he never said no to a conversation.

On the media side, he had always been interested in media and journalism. He had done an early internship at CNN and loved it. But the question remained: What part of media would be a good fit for him? He had had lots of conversations with people who worked on the digital side of NBC, for example, and that seemed like it could be a good fit. But after more conversations with people in that space, he felt like he was trying to scale a big hill; he rarely walked away from a conversation thinking, “This is it.”

Meanwhile, the hospital search kept going and Adam felt excited, and those he spoke with seemed excited about him. It was then that he narrowed his search down to hospitals exclusively. And within a few weeks, Adam had received six good offers in a salary range that was less than he was making in consulting (which he knew would happen) but enough to be comfortable.

Once Adam received the offers, here is how he made his decision:

He says, “The offers started to come in around the same time. So I needed to do a bit of stalling on some and heating up some others. There were still open questions about jobs and organizations. I always expressed excitement and appreciation. Sometimes I wanted to meet more people, to learn more.”

Now that Adam was in the driver’s seat, he felt comfortable asking prospective employers for more information. He made a single spreadsheet detailing the offers, and also did more thinking in terms of the specific characteristics of what he wanted in this job. This included thinking about the tradeoffs he was willing to make. Continuing conversations helped him understand how he weighted those factors—what his core values were.

Adam’s list:

Most important:

  • having a really pleasant supervisor
  • feeling he was giving back,
  • being pushed but having balance
  • financial considerations

Less critical but still important:

  • to manage someone
  • to have a clean line of growth within the organization, if possible

He then evaluated the six job offers against those criteria. He wrote everything down, which helped him trust his gut while putting enough thought into it to make an informed decision.

What Adam Didn’t Do

  • He never looked at job boards or spoke with recruiters. I recommend using job boards as a research tool, but advocate never sending your resume blind in response to a listing. And recruiters can help you with your search criteria and may be able to refer you to opportunities.
  • He did not attend any networking events. I advocate attending networking events that relate to your field of interest—it’s a great way to get informed and meet potential contacts.
  • He didn’t get insecure, because he was so proactive and kept getting regular feedback as he met with people.

So let’s look at the lessons learned from Adam’s search:

  • Over the course of three months, Adam met with about 125 people. (And yes, you heard me right.) Once he had spoken with 100 people, he determined he would focus exclusively on hospitals.
  • Adam made it easy for people to speak with him, acknowledging upfront that he was aware that it was his top priority but not theirs. He made himself available to speak in person or by phone, and offered to keep conversations brief.
  • He used a detailed spreadsheet for follow-up.
  • Calling himself an “extroverted thinker”, Adam felt it was critical for him to speak with a large number of people.
  • He spoke with people at all levels of an organization, since he knew he would learn different things.
  • He spoke with anyone who was recommended. For example, he met with the dean of a large university and didn’t get a great deal out of the conversation. However, the dean knew the head of that university’s medical school and medical center, which turned into one his six job offers.
  • While Adam didn’t always plan the conversation in advance, there was always something he felt he could ask. By the end of the process there was a subset of 10 people he return to for advice, who were invested in his search. In advance, he says, he couldn’t have known who those 10 people were going to be.
  • He found that with a pedigreed resume, and coming from a top consulting firm, people were always willing to talk with him for a half hour. (This is not really surprising.)

And here is Adam’s specific advice, based on his experience:

  • Always agree to speak with the next person. Sometimes the person you are meeting with sees something that you don’t, and you should follow up with their referral.
  • Be tenacious but respectful, always remembering that it’s your top priority but not others’. If you don’t hear from someone in a week it’s fine to follow up but don’t push anyone too hard or make them feel guilty if they can’t make the time.
  • Treat your job search like a 9-5 job. But give yourself permission to turn it off. Take time during the day to exercise, and also to sit and think and let things stew. There is an element of letting things come to you, but you need to sow the seeds.
  • Instead of approaching someone about a job, ask if there is someone they would recommend you talk to.
  • Give the other person the choice of whether to meet in-person or by phone. But it’s also important to know how you perform best—if you’re shy you may want to advocate for the phone.

While the details of this search are particular, I believe that every candidate can learn from Adam’s strategy, as well as take solace in some of the bumps he encountered along the way. Do you agree with Adam's strategy? Have you succeeded by conducting a job search in a very different way?