
Talks of Revamping NAFTA Begins This Week

August 16, 2017

This week begins the negotiating process for revamping the North American Free Trade Agreement. Now that we’ve withdrawn from the TPP, renegotiating NAFTA is exactly what globalists want as the next step toward regional government. The North American Union (NAU) could be the result of this negotiation process which will lead to their ultimate goal of world government under the United Nations.

We discuss what you can do to Get US Out! of NAFTA and ultimately the NAU in this episode of Straight Talk.

Helpful Links:

NAFTA Talks Set To Begin; Groups Press Competing Agendas

Don’t Renegotiate NAFTA: Get US Out!

NAFTA Renegotiation Objectives Would Diminish U.S. Sovereignty

Don’t Renegotiate – Get US Out! of NAFTA