To Comment or Not To Comment, That is the Question

To Comment or Not To Comment, That is the Question May 19, 2011

After yet another round of classy comments from SFGate commenters on my last post, I had another conversations with someone about the usefulness of comments on a blog. For places like SFGate I could probably post, “Puppies are cute!” and I would get some nasty comment about what an idiot I am. I have posted on this before, but I actually think that the comments bother other people more than they bother me. I figure, I am putting my opinions out there, so I am fair game. I can choose how to interact and none have felt personally threatening . . . I figure most are simply folks with opinions who think they are much wittier than they really are ;-)*

Asked about why I keep at it, I actually have a question for you who are reading this. “Why and when do YOU comment on a blog?” I know that many people do not want to open themselves up to the bullying tactics that some use in comment streams, others comment on a regular basis hoping to engage with one another and still others I fear just like hearing the sound of their own keyboards 😉

But seriously . . .

  • Why do you or don’t you comment on blogs?
  • When you do comment what are your general hopes and expectations?
  • Any other thoughts on comments?

That’s it . . . I offer no grand statements about my religious beliefs, cultural perspectives of how painful it was today to see the Oakland A’s blown out by the WORST TEAM IN BASEBALL. I just want to know . . . why do you comment?

And yep, I kept my comments open on SFGate ’cause they LOVE me there 😉

*Yes, I too am in the “Opinionated and Not as Witty as I Think I am” club.

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