According to Google, These Are the Trendiest Recipes in 2017

And they're not what you might think.
Image may contain Roast Food Animal and Fish
Brining these chops makes them moist, tender, and seasoned throughout, and the sugar helps create a dark, caramelized sheen.Romulo Yanes

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The Internet is watching you, which sounds creepy, but you already knew that, didn't you? Every year, Google releases its top-trending searches, including recipes, for the past 12 months–those terms that had the highest spike in traffic in 2017 as compared to 2016. We can predict trends, sure, but there's nothing like cold, hard facts. And we've got those for you now.

When it came to recipes, number one was "beef stroganoff recipe," which, go figure. The people like warm, meaty, stew-y pasta recipes. Coming in second was "apple crisps recipe," followed by "corn casserole recipe." After that, "brine turkey recipe" came in. Unclear if they were looking for a wet brine or a dry brine, but if it were up to us everyone would be going with dry for Thanksgiving. Okay, enough about Thanksgiving.

Number five was "zucchini recipe." Then came "chicken parmesan recipe," followed by "pork chops recipe," "hard boiled egg recipe," "yams recipe," and, finally, "hash brown casserole recipe." (Sorry dudes, you're probably not going to find a hash brown casserole recipe on Bon Appétit.)

Another list showed top results for cookbook searches, which really run the gamut. The rankings are as follows: "Tasty cookbook," "Oprah cookbook," "Edna Lewis cookbook," "Small Victories cookbook," "Tom Brady cookbook," "Sweetie Pies cookbook," "Alice's Brady Bunch cookbook," "The Chew cookbook," "What Can I Bring cookbook," and "Whole30 cookbook."

There are lists for calorie counting, too, and what diets people were most interested in. You can find those here, along with trends not in food. Just remember when you're searching in 2018, nothing is a secret.