15 Jaw-Dropping Reasons To See The Northwest Territories For Yourself

    The true north — gorgeous, strong, and free.

    1. You can get up close and personal with the moon.

    2. Or take in the lovely fall colours as far as the eye can see.

    3. In the NWT, you'll be treated to a light show in the sky.

    4. There aren't too many other places in the world where you can experience this particular kind of magic.

    5. You can look out onto the stillness of the water.

    6. Or the rippling of a stream.

    7. You can watch dusk settle in a quiet place.

    8. You can embrace the beauty of winter.

    9. And frolic in the loveliness of summer.

    10. You can gaze at the treetops against a darkening sky.

    11. Or watch that sky light on fire.

    12. And turn to hues you've never seen before.

    13. You can (respectfully) observe the wondrous wildlife.

    14. You can find the perfect spot to watch the sunset.

    15. And more than anything, you can enjoy the tranquility that our beautiful northern territory has to offer.