10 Tips to Lower Cholesterol Level and Protect Your Heart

For several decades, people have been harping over the fact that obesity and high cholesterol levels are harmful for the health. However, instead of declining, the number of obese and people suffering from high cholesterol has increased. Experts believe that high cholesterol level in the body is mainly because of improper diet and lack of exercises….


Mouth Ulcer Treatment The Easy Way

My mum always has mouth ulcer problems. The days when ulcers infest her mouth, she gets really temperamental, and I’ll have a hard time smoothing her bad temper. Are you also having ulcer problems regularly? Here are some tips which might helps to give fast relief to the pain ulcer problem….

Gastric Reflux Diet and Hazardous Foods

Looking to food as a way to fix gastric reflux is a good idea. After all food is a major cause of this problem. Gastric reflux and other forms of heartburn can be dramatically altered by changes in diet. It should be noted that gastric reflux may be caused by the obvious reasons which we will examine in a minute. But it may also be a cumulative condition, brought on by ingredients in prepared foods that you don’t even think about….

Conquer Your Sugar Cravings

There will always be an excuse to indulge in sugar! “It’s hot! I want a sweet refreshing drink, or it’s cold I would love a hot latte.” “It’s my best friends birthday, how could I not eat cake?” The list goes on and on with daily activities that could derail your progress….