Menopause Kansas City, MO


Every woman embarks on the journey toward menopause at some point, although each individual path brings unique challenges. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, provides personalized care for women through all stages of menopause at his practice, serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area. Whether you’re looking for gynecology services, vaginal rejuvenation, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Barnthouse can help you transition through menopause. To learn more, call his office or book an appointment online today.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a natural biological process that indicates an end to your menstrual cycles and childbearing years. The average age for menopause in the United States is 51, but it can happen anytime in your 40s or 50s.

Although you haven’t officially reached menopause until you go 12 full months without a menstrual period, the years leading up to your last period may involve several changes to your body. This transition is called perimenopause and often involves hormone fluctuations that can trigger the appearance of menopausal symptoms.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

When you reach menopause, your body stops producing estrogen and progesterone. The decline of these hormones and variations in hormone levels during perimenopause may cause you to experience the following symptoms:

  • Irregular periods
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain or discomfort during sex
  • Less interest in sex or difficulty getting aroused
  • Mood swings
  • Weight gain and slowed metabolism
  • Night sweats
  • Difficulty sleeping

Menopausal symptoms can range from mild to severe and may come on suddenly or gradually. They can be persistent or occur intermittently. No matter what type of symptoms you experience, Dr. Barnthouse works with you to create a treatment plan customized to your individual needs.

What are the complications of menopause?

Even though menopause marks the end of your childbearing years, it’s still crucial to see Dr. Barnthouse for regular exams to avoid potential complications. As your hormone levels decline, you become more susceptible to certain medical conditions that benefit from early diagnosis and treatment.

Menopause may increase your risk of developing the following conditions:

  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Weight gain

What are treatments for menopause?

Dr. Barnthouse practices a comprehensive approach to women’s health and spends time with you to develop a personalized menopause treatment plan that best addresses your needs. He specializes medical treatment with bioidentical hormones.

Depending on your unique circumstances, Dr. Barnthouse may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

  • Vitamin B12 injections for weight loss
  • SottoPelle® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
  • ThermiVa® non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation

If you’re looking for a caring OB/GYN to help you through the changes of menopause, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

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Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the most common sexually transmitted disease, affecting about 79 million Americans. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, tests for and treats complications of HPV at his practice, serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area. HPV may not cause symptoms, but some strains of the virus increase your risk of cancer, so getting tested is key. Dr. Barnthouse always calls you back with test results. Call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

What is HPV?

HPV refers to a group of over 150 related viruses that spread through sexual contact. They’re called papillomaviruses because some types of HPV cause papillomas, or warts. These warts are non-cancerous growths that develop on different areas of your body depending on the type of HPV infection you have.

Some types of HPV cause genital warts to appear on your vulva, cervix, or vagina, while other types cause plantar warts on your feet.

Most types of HPV don’t cause cancer, but some do. High-risk HPV infections that persist for many years can cause abnormal changes in your cervical cells that may become cancerous if left untreated.

What are the symptoms of HPV?

Most of the time, your body defeats the HPV infection before warts appear. This means you or your sexual partner can carry and spread HPV without showing any symptoms.

In some cases, you may find out that you have HPV by the appearance of the following types of warts:

  • Genital warts
  • Common warts
  • Plantar warts
  • Flat warts

Another way to find out you have HPV is by getting abnormal results from a Pap test with HPV screening.

Who gets HPV?

HPV is especially common in young adults. Of the 79 million Americans with HPV, most are in their late teens and early 20s. Anyone who’s sexually active is at risk of getting HPV, but your risk increases with multiple partners. Correct use of latex condoms reduces, but doesn’t eliminate, your risk of getting HPV.

How does a GYN test for HPV?

Depending on your age and medical history, Dr. Barnthouse may screen for HPV at the same time as your Pap test. The American Cancer Society recommends women ages 30-65 get an HPV test along with their Pap test to screen for cervical cancer.

Since HPV is so common in women under age 30, the American Cancer Society doesn’t advise HPV testing for this age group unless Pap test results are abnormal.

Getting HPV and Pap tests as recommended by Dr. Barnthouse can dramatically increase your chances of preventing cervical cancer. Call or click online to schedule an appointment today.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy Kansas City, MO

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain are all hallmarks of menopause, but hormone replacement therapy can help. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, offers hormone replacement therapy with SottoPelle® bioidentical hormone pellets at his practice, serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area. To learn about how hormone replacement therapy can help ease the symptoms of menopause, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

What is hormone replacement therapy?

As you approach menopause, your body stops making estrogen and progesterone. In addition to causing your periods to become irregular, these hormone fluctuations are responsible for the difficult and often disruptive symptoms of menopause.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) reduces these symptoms, such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Memory loss
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness

What are the benefits of hormone replacement therapy?

In addition to reducing symptoms of menopause, HRT may help prevent serious health complications associated with declining hormone levels, such as:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Tooth and hair loss
  • Cataracts

HRT may also improve the hydration, elasticity, and thickness of your skin, which makes you look and feel like a younger version of yourself. Since it helps relieve vaginal dryness and enhances sexual pleasure, HRT can significantly boost your overall quality of life.

How are bioidentical hormones different?

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to your own hormones, so your body can’t tell the difference. Although they’re made in a lab, bioidentical hormones act the same way your natural hormones would.

Other types of synthetic hormones don’t mimic natural hormones in this way, so your body reacts to the presence of those hormones. Bioidentical hormones don’t trigger this reaction.

What is SottoPelle hormone therapy?

Dr. Barnthouse offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with SottoPelle® pellet implants. SottoPelle delivers a customized BHRT treatment consistently and gradually, meaning you can benefit from constant hormone therapy without having to remember to do anything.

Other types of BHRT use pills, lotions, creams, or gels that you need to apply. SottoPelle implants use a precise method to automatically release the hormones your body needs, 24/7.

Who is a good candidate for SottoPelle hormone replacement therapy?

Dr. Barnthouse may suggest BHRT if you suffer from disruptive symptoms of hormone fluctuations during perimenopause and menopause that don’t improve with other treatments.

Before trying SottoPelle, Dr. Barnthouse may suggest the following ways to improve your menopause symptoms:

  • Taking vitamin supplements
  • Increasing exercise
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Reducing stress and anxiety

If your symptoms persist despite these changes, it may be time to consider BHRT. SottoPelle isn’t right for everyone, so make sure to ask Dr. Barnthouse whether this treatment is the best option for you.

If you’re dealing with the troublesome symptoms of hormone fluctuations, call the office of Dr. Barnthouse or book an appointment online today.

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Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a painful condition that can make it difficult for women of any age to enjoy sex, although it’s most commonly a symptom of menopause. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, can help women in Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area discover the cause of vaginal dryness and offer treatments. If vaginal dryness is affecting your quality of life, call Dr. Barnthouse’s office or book an appointment online today.

What is vaginal dryness?

Normally, a thin layer of clear fluid covers the lining of your vagina. This fluid helps your vaginal walls to maintain a healthy elasticity as well as provide adequate lubrication during sexual intercourse.

The hormone estrogen stimulates your body to produce this lubrication naturally, but as estrogen levels decline, the amount of available moisture drops as well. This decrease in vaginal fluids can cause irritation and make sex unbearably painful, creating a huge impact on your sexual wellness.

What causes vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness can happen to women of any age for a number of reasons, but it’s most commonly a symptom of menopause. About one in every three women going through menopause experiences vaginal dryness, making this a major women’s health issue.

Aside from menopause, other possible causes of vaginal dryness include:

  • Childbirth and breastfeeding
  • Surgical removal of your ovaries
  • Certain antidepressants
  • Anti-estrogen medications
  • Allergy and cold medications
  • Radiation or chemotherapy for cancer
  • Douching

When should I see an OB/GYN for vaginal dryness?

It’s important to tell Dr. Barnthouse about any issue that causes discomfort in your pelvic region. While vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause, painful sex and burning or itching in your vagina can also indicate an underlying medical problem.

Dr. Barnthouse works with you to discover the cause of your vaginal dryness and create a treatment plan that best addresses your needs. This process begins with a comprehensive pelvic exam, including a thorough review of your medical history.

If the exam rules out any other possible causes for your vaginal dryness, Dr. Barnthouse discusses your options for treatment.

What are treatments for vaginal dryness?

The most common treatment for vaginal dryness is hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Depending on your particular symptoms and medical condition, Dr. Barnthouse may suggest HRT with SottoPelle® bioidentical hormone pellet implants.

HRT can help reduce vaginal dryness and treat several other symptoms of menopause, including:

  • Cognitive difficulties and memory loss
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Decreased sex drive

If vaginal dryness is negatively affecting your sexual wellness, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

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Stress urinary incontinence is an embarrassing women’s health issue that can keep you from doing things you love. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, can diagnose and treat women with urinary incontinence at his practice, serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area. If stress incontinence is affecting your quality of life, call Dr. Barnthouse’s office or schedule an appointment online today.

What is stress urinary incontinence?

Stress urinary incontinence is a medical condition that involves unintentional loss of urine. This often happens during certain movements or activities, such as:

  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Laughing
  • Standing up
  • Lifting something heavy
  • Having sex
  • Exercise

Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing, causing you to isolate yourself from others and refrain from participating in activities you love. In addition to negatively affecting your sexual wellness and self-esteem, incontinence can interfere with your work and social life.

What causes urinary incontinence in women?

Weakness in the muscles that support your bladder and regulate the release of urine may lead to urinary incontinence. Normally, valve-like muscles in your urethra prevent urine from leaking out until you’re ready to use the bathroom. When these muscles begin to fail, you may accidentally release urine before you reach the bathroom.

These muscles may weaken as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, but other factors that may lead to urinary incontinence include:

  • Older age
  • Pelvic surgery
  • Obesity
  • Certain diseases

How does an OB/GYN diagnose and treat urinary incontinence?

First, Dr. Barnthouse performs a comprehensive physical exam including a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and medical history. Once he determines the cause of your incontinence, Dr. Barnthouse discusses the best options for treatment.

If you suffer from stress urinary incontinence due to weakened pelvic muscles and tissues, Dr. Barnthouse may suggest one of the following treatments:

  • Lifestyle changes such as avoiding alcohol and tobacco
  • Weight loss
  • Pelvic floor muscle training
  • Non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation with ThermiVa®

How does vaginal rejuvenation treat urinary incontinence?

ThermiVa uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the tissues around your vagina and increase natural collagen production. In combination with exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, ThermiVa may help reduce urinary leakage.

In addition to treating stress urinary incontinence, ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation may help improve the following conditions:

  • Inability to reach orgasm or enjoy sex
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Unhappiness with the appearance of your labia
  • Vaginal laxity or looseness

If stress urinary incontinence is negatively affecting your self-esteem or quality of life, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation Kansas City, MO

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal laxity and dryness, inability to reach orgasm, and stress incontinence are all conditions that may affect women at various points in life, from the teenage to the menopause years. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, offers treatment for these conditions with ThermiVa® non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation at his practice, serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area. To learn how vaginal rejuvenation can help you, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

What is vaginal rejuvenation?

Childbirth, hormonal contraceptives, aging, and menopause can all cause changes in your vagina that may negatively affect your quality of life. Recent advances in non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation now offer a safe and effective treatment for many of these changes, including:

  • Vaginal laxity
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Female sexual dysfunction
  • Difficulty becoming aroused or achieving orgasm
  • Loose or saggy labial tissues

How does ThermiVa work?

ThermiVa is a non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation treatment that uses radiofrequency waves to stimulate your body’s production of collagen and elastin. Dr. Barnthouse uses a small wand to deliver controlled radiofrequency energy that gently heats the tissue in and around your vagina. This heat causes your vaginal tissues to shrink and tighten while increasing blood flow to your vagina.

Whether you’re unhappy with the appearance of your labia or struggling to restore your sexual pleasure, this increase in vaginal tone and tightness helps to relieve a variety of unpleasant women’s health concerns.

Who is a good candidate for ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation?

ThermiVa may be the right choice if you’re looking for an effective way to tighten and rejuvenate your vaginal tissues without surgery. This treatment isn’t for you if you’re currently pregnant or have an infection in the treatment area. Dr. Barnthouse discusses your suitability for ThermiVa during a comprehensive initial consultation.

What are the benefits of ThermiVa?

ThermiVa offers several advantages over surgical vaginal rejuvenation, such as:

  • No downtime for recovery
  • Ability to resume sexual activity the same day
  • No incisions, anesthesia, or scarring
  • Painless
  • Results that last 12 months
  • Increases collagen production
  • No risk of infection with a single-use hand piece
  • Maintenance treatments only once per year

What should I expect from a ThermiVa treatment?

First, Dr. Barnthouse performs a physical exam and thoroughly reviews your medical history to determine whether ThermiVa is right for you.

The procedure itself is virtually painless and lasts about 45 minutes. You may notice improvements in vaginal tightness immediately, but likely need more than one treatment to achieve optimal results. Most women get maintenance treatments once per year.

ThermiVa requires no downtime for recovery, so you can return to your normal activities right after your appointment. You can even have sex the same day.

If you’re interested in learning more about ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, call or click online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Barnthouse today.

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Weight Loss

Research shows that losing even 5-10% of initial body weight leads to tremendous improvements in the overall health of people who are overweight or obese. At his practice, serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area, Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, helps women achieve their weight-loss goals with healthy lifestyle coaching and lipotropic vitamin B12 injections. If you’re looking for a healthy way to lose weight, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

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What are the health risks of being overweight or obese?

Being overweight can affect the way you feel about yourself and limit the activities you decide to engage in. In addition to negative effects on your self-esteem, carrying around extra body weight can increase your risk for several serious medical conditions, including:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory problems such as sleep apnea
  • Several types of cancer, including colon, uterus, and breast

How do I know if I need to lose weight?

Any weight higher than what’s considered healthy qualifies as overweight. Body mass index (BMI) is an easy way to find out if your weight is too high, average, or too low.

You can calculate your own BMI if you divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. Otherwise, you can do an internet search for “BMI calculator,” or ask Dr. Barnthouse what range your body weight falls into at your next appointment.

A BMI greater than 25 means you’re overweight, while a BMI over 30 counts as obese. If you’re very muscular, this may increase your BMI without meaning you have excess fat. The best way to find out if you need to lose weight is to discuss your concerns with Dr. Barnthouse.

How can a doctor help me lose weight?

At Comprehensive Gynecology, Women’s Wellness, and Hormone Center, Dr. Barnthouse provides care for your total health and well-being.

Since excess body weight can affect your quality of life and make you more susceptible to several types of cancers, including those specific to women’s reproductive health, Dr. Barnhouse offers weight-loss services to help you achieve a healthier body.

If you’re concerned about weight loss, Dr. Barnthouse discusses your best options for treatment during a comprehensive health evaluation. First, he performs a physical exam and asks questions about your lifestyle and eating habits. Depending on your unique situation, he may recommend the following treatments:

  • Diet and lifestyle changes
  • Lipotropic vitamin B12 injections
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Semaglutide injections

Dr. Barnthouse is here to help you overcome your struggles with excess fat and body weight. Call or click online to schedule an appointment today.

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B-12 Injections Kansas City, MO

B-12 Injections

Whether you’re dieting to lose weight or just feeling run down, vitamin B12 injections can restore your energy levels and help your body burn fat. GYN Michael J. Barnthouse, MD, offers women in Johnson County, Kansas, and the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area vitamin B12 lipotropic injections for weight loss and other conditions. If you’re looking for an effective weight-loss solution, call or click online to schedule an appointment with Dr. Barnthouse today.

What are vitamin B12 injections?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble essential vitamin. This vitamin occurs naturally in many food sources, but many of these foods are animal-based sources of protein. Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in several biological functions, including:

  • Energy production
  • Fat metabolism
  • DNA synthesis
  • Brain function
  • Red blood cell formation

If you’re a vegetarian or otherwise unable to get enough B12 from food, vitamin B12 injections are a safe and effective way to quickly boost your body’s supply of this vitamin.

How do lipotropic vitamin B12 injections help you lose weight?

B12 plays a key role in burning fat, which means it’s a lipotropic nutrient. If you have a B12 deficiency, your body may struggle to use fat as an energy source. Since fat burning is crucial for healthy weight loss, it’s important to make sure your body has a proper supply of B12.

In addition to burning fat, B12 injections can help with muscle gain and energy production, making it easier for you to exercise regularly while you reduce caloric intake. Depending on your unique circumstances, vitamin B12 injections may offer a natural way to achieve faster results from your weight-loss plan.

Who should get vitamin B12 injections?

Dr. Barnthouse can determine whether B12 injections are right for you during a comprehensive physical exam and review of your medical history. If you’re a good candidate for vitamin B12 injections, Dr. Barnthouse may discuss adding Lipo Beplex injections to your treatment plan.

You may benefit from vitamin B12 injections if you experience any of these signs and symptoms of B12 deficiency:

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty balancing
  • Heart palpitations

You may be deficient in vitamin B12 if you follow a restrictive diet for weight loss. Other factors that increase your risk of B12 deficiency include:

  • Older age
  • Being vegetarian or vegan
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Small intestine disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Immune system disorders

To learn more about how vitamin B12 injections can help accelerate your weight loss and reduce symptoms of B12 deficiency, call the office of Dr. Barnthouse or schedule an appointment online today.

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Women’s Wellness

For years patients have been asking me, “What can I do to lose weight, overcome my fatigue, relieve stress, stop my hair from falling out, restart my sex drive and cure my sleep problems?”

In response, I have ordered all the right tests, and they are almost always NORMAL! I simply did not have an answer to these common complaints. Referring patients with problems to other specialty physicians didn’t seem to help either. They would have more tests, more exams, spend more money, and still feel as bad as they did in the first place.

After a thorough search and after consulting with other physicians from around the country, I have settled on a group of nutritional products that seem to help a lot of people. Success with these products shouldn’t be a surprise. Our food has been processed and refined to last on store shelves forever. Our lifestyles are so difficult – we struggle to balance work, children and aging parents’ needs, financial strains, plus lots of other burdens we confront in day-to-day life. We are simply worn out and don’t have the fuel to rebuild our bodies.

I take these products myself and they have absolutely helped me feel better, which allows me to enjoy a happier life. When I first started taking these supplements, I wanted overnight relief. Then as I gradually started to feel better, I understood the process. My body had been so depleted of essential nutrients that the process of restoration wasn’t going to happen instantly. It took a couple of weeks for my body to replenish the deficiencies.

If you feel any of these products would be right for you and would reduce your personal struggles, whatever they may be, please talk to me. Together we will design a program using these supplements in ways that will benefit your particular needs. We can discuss your options at your visit - just call our office to set up a wellness consultation.

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