Is Lumify Safe? Risks, Side Effects, and Tips

Lumify eye drops promise brighter, whiter eyes without the risk of rebound redness.

Lumify, eye drops that get rid of minor redness, are generally safe to use every day. Do not exceed four drops per eye within 24 hours. You might have side effects like itching and tearing. Stop using Lumify right away if you have eye pain, irritation, redness, or vision changes.

Other eye drops help get rid of redness, but usually only for a while. Some eye drops have a rebound effect, resulting in more redness that requires more eye drops, and so on. Read on to learn how Lumify works differently than other eye drops, how to use it, and possible risks.

Woman applying eye drops into her eye whitening brightening redness relieving
Elizabeth Fernandez/Getty Images

What Is Lumify? 

Lumify are low-dose brimonidine tartrate eye drops. In December 2017, the Food and Drug Administration approved Lumify to help relieve eye redness in people aged 5 and older.

There are several causes of eye redness, such as:

  • Allergies
  • Contact lenses
  • Dry eye
  • Infections
  • Irritants

High doses of brimonidine typically help lower eye pressure in people with glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Glaucoma causes eye pressure that causes nerve damage and vision loss. Ocular hypertension is high eye pressure that does not result in vision loss.

How Does Lumify Work? 

Brimonidine tartrate is a type of alpha-adrenergic agonist. Other eye drops like Clear Eyes and Visine use tetrahydrozoline, a similar ingredient. Both reduce redness by constricting your eye's blood vessels. As a result, blood flow and oxygen to your eye's tissues lessens.

"[Lumify] in the same family [as other eye drops], just a little bit more specific," Laurie Barber, MD, a comprehensive ophthalmologist at Little Rock Eye Clinic, told Health.

Tetrahydrozoline targets your eye's alpha-1 receptor in its arteries, which carry oxygen to your eyes. Your arteries will open bigger than before if you stop using the drops, worsening eye redness. 

Unlike other eye drops, Lumify is less likely to cause rebound redness, Amy Lin, MD, an ophthalmologist based in Utah, told Health. Brimonidine tartrate targets your eye's alpha-2 receptor in its veins, which carry blood from your eyes. Oxygen still gets to your eyes, avoiding worsened eye redness.

How To Use Lumify 

People aged 5 and older can use one drop of Lumify in each eye every six to eight hours as needed. Do not exceed more than four drops per eye in 24 hours. Talk to a healthcare provider before using Lumify in children younger than 5.

Follow these steps to effectively and safely use Lumify:

  1. Only use eye drops with clean hands. Wash your hands with soap and water. 
  2. Make sure that the dispenser is not chipped, cracked, or unclean. 
  3. Remove contact lenses if you wear them. 
  4. Tilt your head back, then pull your lower eyelid down with your index finger. 
  5. Using your other hand, place the dispenser as close to your eye as you can without touching it. Dispense one drop. 
  6. Close your eyes for two to three minutes while tilting your head downward. Gently press one finger on your tear duct.
  7. Use a disposable tissue to remove any excess liquid.
  8. Dispose of and replace the bottle cap and single-use dispensers.
  9. Wash your hands with soap and water to get rid of any excess liquid.
  10. Wait 10 minutes before putting your contact lenses back in. 

Potential Risks and Side Effects 

Lumify is generally safe. Drops that treat minor eye redness have a much lower dose than medications with brimonidine tartrate that treat glaucoma, said Dr. Lin. Still, like every drug, Lumify has possible risks and side effects.

Do not use Lumify to treat eye health conditions like glaucoma. See a healthcare provider if you have eye redness that lasts longer than two days or vision changes with headaches, nausea, or vomiting. Using Lumify too much might mask other eye health concerns.

Side Effects of Use

You might have side effects after using Lumify, including:

  • Feeling like there's something in your eye
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Tearing

There's a high incidence of an allergic response to brimonidine in people with glaucoma, said Dr. Lin. Stop using Lumify and talk to a healthcare provider if you have eye pain, irritation, redness, or vision changes that last longer than three days.

Possibility of Masking Eye Problems

Lumify might be okay for occasional use—say, once a month—if your eyes are red from fatigue, said Dr. Barber. Any more than that might mask possible eye health concerns.

"I'm concerned because when patients use it on a consistent basis, it masks a symptom we need to know about," said Dr. Barber. "If a patient has red eyes and doesn't know what's causing them, they need to be seen by an ophthalmologist."

Red eyes are common, whether from allergies, dust, staring at a screen, or wearing your contact lenses too long. Some people even have a genetic predisposition to redness in their eyes. 

Other times, red eyes might signal severe eye health conditions, such as glaucoma and pink eye (conjunctivitis). Contact a healthcare provider if an object might be in your eye, you have eye redness that lasts more than two days, or you take a blood-thinning drug. Seek medical care right away if you notice eye pain or vision changes with headache, nausea, or vomiting.

A Quick Review 

Using Lumify is an effective and generally safe way to combat eye redness. Still, as with any drug, it is not without the risk of side effects. You shouldn't use Lumify as a substitute for medical attention if you're experiencing eye redness for a prolonged time or alongside other concerning symptoms.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Lumify safe to use regularly?

    It's safe to use one drop of Lumify drops in each eye every six to eight hours but no more than four drops per eye in 24 hours. Stop using Lumify and contact a healthcare provider if you have eye pain, irritation, redness, or vision changes that worsen over time or last more than three days.

  • When should you not use Lumify?

    Most people aged 5 and older can safely use Lumify to relieve minor eye redness. Consult a healthcare provider before using Lumify if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Other people who may not be able to use or must be cautious while using Lumify include those who:

    • Are about to have surgery
    • Take monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors like Nardil (phenelzine) and Parnate (tranylcypromine)
    • Use topical medications to treat eye health issues
    • Wear soft contact lenses
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  1. Lumify Drops. FAQ's.

  2. American Academy of Ophthalmology. New over-the-counter eye-whitening drop hits store shelves.

  3. Ackerman SL, Torkildsen GL, McLaurin E, et al. Low-dose brimonidine for relief of ocular redness: Integrated analysis of four clinical trialsClin Exp Optom. 2019;102(2):131-139. doi:10.1111/cxo.12846

  4. MedlinePlus. Brimonidine ophthalmic.

  5. Lee JS, Kim CY. Brimonidine tartrate ophthalmic solution 0.025% for redness relief: An overview of safety and efficacyExpert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2022;15(8):911-919. doi:10.1080/17512433.2022.2112948

  6. MedlinePlus. Eye redness.

  7. Lumify Drops. Clinical information.

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