
THIS Is The Reason ...

If things haven’t been working out for you in your attempt to get your novel published or your screenplay produced yet, I completely understand.

You see, once upon a time, things were like this for me as well. Thinking that working on my writing craft was the key to getting both done, I dived right into it.I devoured every resource and freebie I could find to write the BEST novel or screenplay.

Well, my writing craft DID get better. But after a year of spinning my wheels, I was left feeling jaded, demoralised, and I didn’t see how I could ever get my stories published or produced.

What Was I Missing???

I found out … So let me tell you why most people don’t end up getting published or produced.

First up, I am not going to lie to you … Breaking in IS really difficult. Fact is, the people who are already in the industry DO prefer to work with people they have worked with before. They know those people: maybe they went to uni together, they know they can deliver what they want. So if you have not worked with anyone yet, getting off the starter blocks can be really hard.

Secondly, people generally prefer to work with writers who have agents. Not because writers with agents are automatically ‘better’, but because someone else is willing to stand up and say you’re good. Big difference! So even if you have got books published or credits on movies or TV shows, if you don’t have an agent, sadly you can be at a disadvantage.

Thirdly, the industry is based on relationships. Whilst ‘anyone’ can go out there and network in theory, it’s harder for some people than others. This might be practical, because you have very little money, other commitments like a family, or because you don’t live in LA or London.

Or you might have other challenges to deal with, like anxiety or mental health problems, or a disability that makes access difficult – perhaps literally because so many venues are not great for wheelchair users, or because you are not neurotypical, or something else.

B2W Can Help

But the point of this email is NOT to demoralise you!!! None of the above is your fault, so do not worry or get bitter. It’s just the way things are: because of these three common enemies, MOST people would have issues trying to get published or produced! REPEAT AFTER ME ...

'I am not alone and I am NOT ‘bad’ at writing'.

So that’s the bad news. The good news is, we CAN get around these challenges. I have navigated all of these obstacles and know what helps and what doesn’t:

If you want to ‘break in’ as a writer? Then check out these articles and the linkage with them:

Can’t Get Read? Yes You Can! 16 Tips On Becoming A Writer

THIS Is How You Create You Writing Career

Making It As A Writer: 25 Reasons You Haven’t Yet

If you want to grab yourself an agent? Great! Good plan … But read these first:

Top 5 Mistakes Writers Make Trying To Get Agents

29 Ways NOT To Submit To An Agent by Blake Friedmann’s dearly departed Carole Blake

How To Get A Literary Agent

If you want to create some relationships and contacts? Great!

One of the best, cheapest and most accessible ways to do this is via social media … as long as you do it the RIGHT way! Treat the internet like you would a REAL networking event and you’ll do well …

Top 5 Networking Mistakes Writers Make

Writers, Everyone Hates Us On Social Media. Here’s Why

5 Useful Tips For Writers To Leverage Linkedin

Like these links? Please pass them on via your profiles and pages. Thanks!

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Grab your free worksheet

Feel like you're BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD??

You're not alone! It can be super-hard to find your writing is not doing what you want it to. I talk to writers constantly about this. You will be glad to know everyone is in the same boat, especially since Covid19 has hit. Yes, pro writers too!

But good news -- September is around the corner. Literary agencies, publishers and production companies will be back from summer holidays and the CoronaVirus furlough. So September is a great time to get back in the saddle and you have a few weeks yet to really polish your pitch.

This is one of the reasons I designed the new B2W Logline Hacks mini course, because you'll be needing a great pitch for your query emails, submission cover letters, pitchfests, networking and other opportunities.

You can download a FREE resource from the course - it's a worksheet that uses a very simple hack to help you focus on what you need in your logline.

Want it? THEN CLICK HERE or on the big blue button below. Enjoy ... and good luck!

Happy Writing!
Lucy V xx

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