
Save money with Moniker! We make registering domain names affordable with everyday low prices, regular special offers and bulk discounts!

Save on Your Domains!

You always save up to 40% with Moniker for registrations and transfers in the most popular TLDs such as .com, .net or .info thanks to our permanent price reduction.

On top of that, Whois Privacy is included for free with each domain registered. All listed prices for registrations, renewals and transfers are final. No additional costs apply for you, ICANN fees are always included in the prices!

Secure your private data for free! WhoisPrivacy is included with every domain registration or renewal!

Volume Based Discounts

Moniker lets you take advantage of volume-based discounts, based on the number of domains you manage with us. These are automatically applied to your account and are available for new registrations, renewals, and transfers.

All of our customers are entitled to these discounts. We encourage consolidating your domain portfolio at Moniker to make the most of our volume-based discounts.

Pricing Tier Pricing Tier % Discount on Standard Prices (listed here )
Tier 1 Less than 100 0%
Tier 2 100 to 500 8%
Tier 3 500+ 16%

Tiered Discounts cannot be combined with any other promotions.

However, we’ll charge you the lowest possible price - which could be the promotional price or the price after tiered discounts have been applied.