James Franco feuds with fellow Yale student
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Angelina Jolie visits schoolgirls in Afghanistan

By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY

Since early 2001, Angelina Jolie has traveled the world with the UNHCR to help refugees. On Wednesday, the superstar goodwill ambassador was in Afghanistan for her second visit to the country.

During her two-day trip, Jolie met refugees still struggling to survive and reintegrate almost 10 years after returning to Afghanistan from years of exile.

Jolie visited families and presented education materials to local schoolgirls in Qala Gudar village, where she will fund a new girls primary school, outside Kabul. The lack of a proper classroom means most girls now can't study beyond fourth grade. Jolie also paid for a school in the remote returnee settlement of Tangi in eastern Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, according to the UNHCR.

One little girl presented Jolie with flowers on behalf of her classmates, saying: "If you build this school, I promise I will work really hard and study until the 12th grade."

James Franco feuds with fellow Yale student
Queen Latifah, Olivia Wilde become Disney characters
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