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41 Genius April Fools’ Day Pranks Your Kids Will Totally Fall For

Because kids don't get a free pass on April 1.

1. Spill "milk" all over your kid's most prized possession.

2. Serve a dessert grilled cheese.

3. A mashed potato sundae also makes for quite the surprise.

4. Put a fake parking ticket on the windshield of your newly driving teen.

5. Stick googly eyes on the food in your refrigerator.

6. Tell your kids you’ve baked them a pan of brownies.

7. Confuse your kid on the ride to school.

8. Stuff toilet paper into the toe of your kid’s shoes.

9. Send your kid to school with a moldy sandwich.

10. Freeze your kid's morning cereal.

11. Rig a ketchup bottle to squirt string instead of ketchup.

"Hot dogs are ready, kids. Tee-hee!" Learn how to make one here.

12. Sew one of your kid’s socks closed halfway down.

13. Make "chocolate chip cookies" out of mashed potatoes and black beans.

14. Put a “for sale” sign in your front yard.

15. Give your kid an April Fools' Day "lollipop."

16. Make your kid think the principal called.

17. Take a photo of someone your kid cares about "floating" (like a parent, grandparent, or sibling), then show it to your kid and feign amazement.

18. Cover the remote sensor with a piece of tape.

19. Block the spout of your kid’s shampoo bottle.

20. Put a twist on a sunny-side-up egg.

21. Put a surprise in the mailbox.

22. Squeeze a few drops of food coloring into the bottom of your kid’s bowl, then cover it with cereal.

23. Put a few dye pellets under the cap of your faucet.

24. Make your kids chicken not pie with pudding and candy.

25. Switch the bags inside two boxes of cereal.

26. Change the settings on your kid’s mouse or trackpad.

27. Take a screencap of the desktop on your kid’s iPad or computer and leave it up full screen.

28. Try this "dollar in a book" trick.

29. Pack a surprising lunch.

30. Serve up a glass of juice that is really Jell-O.

31. You can also use gelatin to make this unusual glass of milk.

32. Paint a bar of soap with nail polish and leave it in the shower.

33. When your kids are sleeping, switch them into each other’s bed.

34. Pick up your kids from school wearing a funny wig.

35. Plant "doughnut seeds."

36. Tell your kid you bought them an iPad.

37. You can also tell your kid you bought them an iPhone.

38. Replace Cheetos with carrot slices.

39. Superglue a couple coins to the ground outside.

40. Make candied apples with onions.

41. Lastly, if you’re feeling really ambitious you can try this outrageous prank.

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