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How many fitness goals have you set and failed to reach? If people fail or plateau on a goal such as performing 50 pushups, it is usually due to not having a well-thought out, periodized plan. We fixed that problem for you by creating this program. This time you will meet your goal.

Identify Your Weakness

There are different reasons you may not be able to perform 50 pushups, and different ways to fix these problems.

An overall low fitness level.

Work capacity has to improve to reach this goal.

Being overweight.

The goal should be to be as lean as possible to avoid pressing the extra weight.

An overall instability throughout the body.

•  Shoulder instability. This limits your ability to efficiently transfer power during the press. To fix this, you need to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles (the teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis) and the scapular stabilizers (serratus anterior, rhomboids, upper, middle, and lower trapezius).

•  A lack of core stability. During a technically sound pushup, the body should move as a unit. The hips should be in line with the knees and shoulders; they shouldn't be perched up or dragging behind. If this is present during your pushups, do the pillar bridge series: prone, supine, and lateral.

What does the 50 push up goal really test?

Much like the 225-rep test performed at the combine, this test is a strength endurance test. However, you still need to focus heavily on your "maximal strength levels." You need to improve your overall one-repetition maximum on your bench and incline bench. The higher your one-rep max is on your bench, the lighter you bodyweight will feel when you perform a pushup.

Monday: The goal in the gym is to improve your maximum strength on your bench press, incline bench press, dumbbell fly, dumbbell front raise, dumbbell lateral raise, and dumbbell triceps extension. You should also choose an additional triceps exercise. Use a weight that allows you to do a rep each second -- this means you may use a lighter weight on week 2 than week 1.

Bench Press and Incline Bench Press
 Week  Sets x Reps  Rest (mins)  Weight
 1  3x7  3


 2  4x6  3:30  Moderately heavy
 3: Unload  2x5  4


 4  3x6  3


 5  4x5  3:30  Moderately heavy
 6: Unload  2x4  4


 7  3x5  3


 8  4x4  3:30  Moderately heavy
 9: Unload  2x3  4


 10  Test
Assistance Exercises
 Week   Sets x Reps  Rest (mins)


 1  3x12  1


 2  4x10     1:30

Moderately heavy

 3: Unload  2x8  2


 4  3x10     1


 5  4x8  1:30

Moderately heavy

 6: Unload  2x6  2


 7  3x8  1


 8  4x6  1:30

Moderately heavy

 9: Unload  2x4  2


 10  Test

Friday: Today's goal is to improve your work capacity. When performing your initial pushup test, at the end of the set you may feel a burning sensation in your chest, shoulders, and triceps. You have to build up your work capacity to buffer the lactic acid. You can do this with isometric holds and metabolic circuits for time.

The goal during the isometric holds is to hold each position with perfect posture, and the goal during the metabolic sets to get a rep a second during the set.

You'll work the same muscle groups as on Monday. Instead of doing the bench press, you will do three isometric pushup holds: one just unlocking the elbows, one with your elbows at 90 degrees, and one with your chest an inch off the ground. All pushups should be performed using only your bodyweight.

After that, perform the dumbbell fly, dumbbell front raise, dumbbell lateral raise, and dumbbell triceps extension for time. If your core is weak, add in the pillar bridge series. Be sure to log your reps from set to set.

Isometric Pushup Holds

Hold each position for the designated amount of time. For example, in week 1, you'll do a total of 6 sets (2 sets of each of the 3 positions).

 Week   Sets x Time Held

Rest (Seconds)

 1  2x25 sec  50
 2  3x30 sec  60
 3: Unload  1x35 sec  70
 4  2x30 sec  50
 5  3x35 sec  60
 6: Unload 1x40 sec  70
 7  2x35 sec  50
 8  3x40 sec  60
 9: Unload  1x45 sec  70
 10  Test
Assistance Exercises
 Week   Sets x Time Held

Rest (Seconds)

 1  2x25 sec  50
 2  3x30 sec  60
 3: Unload  1x35 sec  70
 4  2x30 sec  50
 5  3x35 sec  60
 6: Unload 1x40 sec  70
 7  2x35 sec  50
8  3x40 sec  60
 9: Unload  1x45 sec  70
 10  Test
Pushup Test

Your technique doing the actual pushup test should be the same technique you use during the metabolic circuits. Your goal should be to do 50 pushups in 50 seconds or less.

Symmetry Note

During the 10-week program, it is important to train for symmetry. In addition to the above plan, you should give equal importance to your pulling motions, both vertical and horizontal. This will develop a well-rounded body, improve your posture, and help to avoid shoulder discomfort from all of the pressing.