BY: B. Keith Plunkett @Keithplunkett

“Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.”D.W. Eisenhower

Ayn Rand is most notably remembered as the author of “Atlas Shrugged”. Less than a decade after publishing that noteworthy book she published a book of essays titled “The Virtues of Selfishness” with then associate Nathaniel Branden. “The Virtues of Selfishness” attempted to describe the ethical issues associated with Rand’s free market objectivist theory.

Chapter 16, written by Branden, is titled “The Divine Right of Stagnation”. It’s the belief that a person should be able to go to the same job every day and perform the same repetition every day for their entire working life, without having to be bothered to learn or grow. And it’s the belief that innovators who do learn and grow should be rebuked for disturbing other people’s routines.

Branden writes:

“Capitalism, by its nature, entails a constant process of motion, growth and progress. It creates the optimum social conditions for man to respond to the challenges of nature in such a way as best to further his life. It operates to the benefit of all those who choose to be active in the productive process, whatever their level of ability. But it is not geared to the demands of stagnation.”

And, he adds, “Neither is reality.”

Facing reality

In 2011, I wrote a seven part series on the direction I believed the Mississippi Republican Party should move in order to influence the next generation and to remain a viable choice in a two-party system. The demographic data I studied to produce that series showed a clear trend–as it does today–towards a working class in this state that was becoming further removed from the increasingly big government, big business and big money message of the GOP. It also showed a growing poverty class of people, black Mississippians joined in larger numbers by whites, who have been displaced from the social traditions of their grandparents.

However, unlike in other areas of the country, the audience was then and still is open to an intelligent discussion about what conservative policy can do for them and their children. A positive message that explains the connections between self-reliance and strong communities can still make great progress in a place like Mississippi regardless of race.

The only way I saw then, and the only way I see now, for the GOP to have a future in this state is to begin shifting it’s message toward the foundational strengths that still exist in Mississippi’s communities. In other words, back towards the fundamental conservative ideals that lead to prosperity for the everyday ‘working Joe’, and encouraging those same people to share their values with others.

Mississippi is in a unique position to do that because of the strength of character that still exists in small towns across the state from people the GOP long ago dismissed because of their inability to pony-up thousands of dollars for fundraisers.

Republicans double down on stupid

In a way, the National GOP is facing the current battle within its ranks because of Mississippi. It was lobbyist Haley Barbour as the GOP national chairman beginning in 1992 who engineered the big business/big money connections by working to downplay the connections to traditional values espoused by the majority of Mississippians.

Barbour continues that focus today and brings in millions in lobbying fees in the process, and Mississippi Party Chairman Joe Nosef often parrots some of the same arguments. Nosef is a frequent guest on MSNBC where he has argued the Barbour line that “purity is an enemy of victory” in his calls to push conservative values of pro-life and traditional marriage aside in the name of “winning”.

The “purity” quote is a bastardized version of Milton Friedman’s call for a market driven monetary policy that has absolutely nothing to do with political rejection of social conservatism as it is being used. It certainly wan’t intended as a rejection of a rational and intelligent discussion of the connection between traditional values and renewing communities. But the power that comes from money and control is far more enticing than renewal of a free-market society. Demonizing detractors as political purists offers the political establishment a catch-phrase to attempt to skirt the discussion entirely. Therein lies a major reason for the split within the Republican Party today.

Rather than recognize the opportunity available in broadening the message of conservatism, the political establishment has elected to double-down on divide-and-conquer political tactics and power plays to keep the money flowing to the right pockets. They are strangling the life out of the GOP. As demographic data shows Mississippi could be the first solid “red state” to fall as a result.

It has been said that people vote for their own personal interest. The truth is that such things are reserved for those who know they will see results (think Joe Sanderson and the current position on immigration “reform”). The majority of Conservative Mississippians and Americans don’t have those kind of direct political connections. Most people vote for the vision of what is possible for themselves and their children. Most just want an opportunity to prosper on their own merit. But, increasingly they recognize that in todays political world that is unlikely so they just stay home.

Wake-up call

Conservatives not participating sits just fine with the political establishment. Expanding political participation by Conservatives–particularly engaging in discussions–doesn’t work in favor of power brokers. But people are awake now like they haven’t been in a generation. They know we as a country and a state are on a slippery slope with few options remaining to hang on. They feel the crush of policies that are decimating the middle class and increasing the distance between them and the political class.
An intellectually honest discussion of conservative policy that builds bridges holds great promise.

Conservatives can’t be the group who just says “no”. We must be the group who points to policies and discusses their ramifications. We must be willing to honestly communicate the common good in Conservatism. We must be willing to discuss root causes and honest outcomes.

With Conservative groups cropping up all over Mississippi the timing for this opportunity is perfect. Conservatives will be performing an admirable service for the Republican Party; forcing it to have an uncomfortable family conversation that the party leaders have rejected in favor of hierarchy and status.

Trust in the truth

Nearly 25 years ago a Mississippian led the charge to break the Republican Party from it’s conservative social moorings. It is clear that it was a mistake, and has taken the GOP and the country down a path towards destruction. Mississippians should be the ones to reconnect the truth of social conservatism and fiscal conservatism. A free society that is socially irresponsible will become fiscally irresponsible. Likewise, a fiscally irresponsible society cannot long last without social values of honesty, charity and frugality to rein in spending.

Conservatives in Mississippi must lead the charge by intelligently engaging the next generation about why their futures depend on connections to the wisdom of generations before, and why it is the only way to save freedom for their children and grandchildren.

Now is not the time to remain happily stagnant and blissfully ignorant. It is the time to honestly acknowledge the realities that surrounds us and dedicate ourselves to a strategy of growth and self-reliance. Contrary to what most people have been told by liberals, Conservatism is not about saying “NO”. It’s time the politically active dedicate ourselves to fully understanding what it truly is about and sharing that message with others.

Political power brokers will attack. They will name-call, and they will attempt to divide. But, if Conservatives will trust the wisdom of generations of Mississippians who knew the connection between hard work, honesty, family, Faith and freedom; if we trust that putting communities first is key to reviving solutions, then we will begin to make changes in the Republican Party.

As Jim Wallis writes it in his book “God’s Politics”:

“You change society by changing the wind. Change the wind, transform the debate, recast the discussion, alter the context in which political discussions are being made, and you will change the outcomes… You will be surprised at how fast the politicians adjust to the change in the wind.”

The winds are blowing. We should work together across communities to be sure they are blowing in the same direction, and so everyone has a clear idea of which way to set their sails.

About Keith: Keith Plunkett has worked on communications and policy issues with a range of public officials from aldermen to Congressmen, and a variety of businesses, governmental agencies and non-profits. He serves or has served as a board member of several non-profit, civic and political organizations. Contact him by going to or follow him on Twitter @Keithplunkett

7 thoughts on “PLUNKETT: Where Republicans went wrong is where Conservatives haven’t gone (but they should).

  1. I know a lot of conservative Republicans who will not vote for Thad in November. And good luck getting all those Democrats to cross over again.

  2. Keith, I agree with Elaine that this is a great article; however, I do not believe an exchange of ideas will change the minds of politicians who are making big bucks with the current political system. It also appears that convincing more than half of the populace won’t change the results of an election because these pols are willing to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. How do you change the minds of greedy, dishonest people who don’t want to give up all that cash?

    1. Maybe we can’t convince all of them. But there are enough ways to convince others to begin changing the conversation. Targeting minorities who are open to the socially conservative message, and engaging young people who will be the the next group of voters is a start.

      Political movements are about multiplying the audience. Once that happens then eventually power politicians are either neutered or they are forced to join the conversation. Either way we win.

  3. A little conservative wisdom:
    “I’m not retreating an inch from where I was. But I also recognize this: There are some people who would have you so stand on principle that if you don’t get all that you’ve asked for from the legislature, why, you jump off the cliff with the flag flying.
    “I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want.” Ronald Reagan

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