How To Save Pics Images Text Sound Files From the Internet With Evernote

It’s basically a drag n’ drop digital scrapbook/ bulletin-board/ container of stuff. FEAR NOT- I’ll show you step-by-step. It looks like a lot, but it’s super easy!

Evernote is another cloud computing application. That’s not important; what you need to know is how to use it and I’m gonna show you how. Read on—>

Evernote's Home Page

What Does Evernote Do?

Evernote lets you pluck anything off the internet and drag it into your own Evernote app for storage. Hell, you can even edit it there or add little notations to it, like Post-It’s.

What can you save into it Images/ photos/podcasts/links/scans

What else? Make To-Do-Lists right into it/ quick text notes/ draw a quick doodle/import folders into it/ etc.

Can I use it outside my web browser? Yes.

Does it come with a bookmarklet? Yes.

Can I use it in my smartphone? Yes.

Can I use it in my iPad? Yes.

Evernote is FREE for up to 5 gigs of storage space. You wanna store more than that per month, you have to cough up $5 a month for a Premium Account.

Smartphone downloads are also FREE. Awesome!

Evernote also supports these languages:

Language support for Evernote

Evernote’s On the Cloud

Like I said. Evernote’s a cloud app. Meaning that everything gets stored in cyberspace by them. So if you constantly clip on your phone, and that phone gets stolen or dropped in water and dies, the info is still in cyberspace because that’s where it all gets stored.

But that’s only as long as you Sync your new clippings…

Evernote from the web doesn’t have the Sync button; pay attention. Evernote for the computer (standalone) and for mobile all have it. That is because everytime you take a pic of something, or find something on the web that you wanna save to Evernote, the Sync button makes web Evernote understand you added more stuff. So it ‘syncs’ with your mobile or computer to add the new goodies.

So that’s the Sync button mystery explained in laments terms.

I started typing this post some 4 months back. Seems like Evernote added a page for the Sync button in simplified terms:

Why I Use Evernote

Evernote is a pretty darn good app. Actually, the reason I downloaded it was because my friend bought a condo and since I decided to go move in with him in a few weeks, we’re talking about interior design. So I’ve been dragging & dropping pics of pillows, furniture, interiors into Evernote. You know, to inspire and drive our design tastes.

He lives in NC and I’m in NY so this is where Evernote REALLY helps, since we can’t meet face to face until the move.

Plus, we share it so he can log in and see the same notebooks I’ve been saving to all the scrap images off the internet. He can add and delete any of it’s content, same as I can. It kicks email’s ass because there’s no worry about attachments or accidentally ending up inside a spam folder. It’s simple and right in front of you.

This would’ve been great for us when we entered that design contest 2yrs ago. We kept emailing photos, pictures and drawings of prototypes and we had diff. schedules so checking email was cumbersome.

As a project management tool, this rules!

What Evernote Looks Like

Welcome to the front page of Evernote!

Evernote's front page

You with me so far? Good. Everything I said up to this point sounds like murky yakety-yak, but I’ll show you how easy-squeezy it all is.

Sign Up With Evernote

Evernote takes up this much space on your computer so check your requirements:

Evernote is about 80Mb big

Evernote sign up menu

So that’s the menu where you sign up. ( Once you do, it’ll create your Evernote account for you. Looks like this:

Welcome to Evernote menu

Evernote on the web. Notice there's no Sync button.

So this menu is your Evernote account which you are using inside Evernote itself. It comes with a little welcome message up there called Welcome to Evernote with a check box.  The message is a brief overview of what you can do in Evernote. If you check the box, it’s selected for whatever action you want to take, including deleting to the Trash bin.

We can leave the message alone for now. What you want to do; now that you’re signed in; is download the standalone version of Evernote. Doing so would be like using Tweetdeck instead of Twitter. We say yes to this.

Download Evernote For the Computer (stand-alone platform)

Go to

This is the download page:

Evernote download

Here is a list of all the gadgets you can download Evernote into (as stated on their website):

For computers
Web clipper
Mac OS X
For site owners
Site Memory button
For mobile devices
iPhone / iPod Touch
Palm Pre / Palm Pixi
Windows Mobile

I use the standalone version for the PC for the same reason I first began using Tweetdeck. I’m more comfortable using the platform side-by-side of my web browser instead of inside it.

Evernote and Firefox side by side

How To Use Evernote

How to use it? Simple.

You ‘Clip’ anything you see off the internet and dump it right into Evernote. Like a sorta scrapbook.

(note that Evernote has folders it calls Notebooks)

So let’s say you already downloaded and installed Evernote. Go ahead and log out of and open the installed version, log in.

We are brought again into your Evernote account. Remember the welcome message? Yeah, double-click on it:

Evernote's Web Clipper

What, is a Web Clipper indeed!

Well, it’s the magic button you click on to clip something off the internet so you can dump it into Evernote.

So let’s install it, shall we? Sure. The Web Clipper is located on the Downloads page:

Web Clipper button for Evernote

Evernote for Safari

As the picture above shows, go ahead and click down on that green button I circled in pink, and place it on your bookmarks list in your web browser of choice. (I’m using Safari in this tutorial) And that’s it. There it is, ready to go.

If you’re using Firefox, the Web Clipper page automatically resets itself to detect Firefox and offers a plug-in for it:

Evernote for Firefox

How To Clip Images In Evernote

Let’s try to clip any ol’ image off the internet. I go to a website with a really nice picture of this pink piano:

Image from web to clip into Evernote

So I wanna ‘Clip’ the image. But, how?

Select the image you want, ( I highlited mine) and click on the Clip To Evernote button (that’s what the Web Clipper is, silly!)

Clipping (saving) to Evernote

Aaand BINGO!

Confirmation of clipping to Evernote

Then you click the Done button at the bottom there and that’s it.

Now it shows up inside your Evernote dashboard:

successfull image clipping

Wasn’t that FUN?! Yes! Yes it was!

You want MOAR? You got it!

So I clipped two more images:

Take a moment to study the next image. It’s the middle pic you see above after I double-clicked on it:

saved image inside Evernote

  • You can always return to the website the image came from (even if you don’t remember) by clicking on Go To Source. By scrolling the cursor over it, you see the name of the website you clipped from.
  • Where it says 4 Notes at the top left, that means 4 items are saved into my Evernote account. That’s the Welcome message and 3 images I saved.
  • At the very top you have the option of Invite A Friend to open and see the same content you already saved.

Let’s save something else to Evernote.

How To Save Tweets In Evernote

So if you have Twitter (and who doesn’t?) you can save them too.

Go to and sign in.

*PLEASE NOTE*Just because you’re logged into the standalone Evernote doesn’t mean you’re automatically logged into it at their website.

To link your Evernote account with Twitter you must log in first. Then go into Settings> Twitter and link or unlink to your Twitter account.

Evernote Sign In page

Linking Twitter with Evernote

The notification that you’re now linked should appear now.

Evernote Twitter linkup confirmation

And now I sign into my  Twitter account and check for that Evernote tweet:

check your Twitter for Evernote's message

And by clicking on that link, you finally activate your Twitter to Evernote. Done.

From here on, just Direct Message any tweet with @myEN and those tweets get sent to your Evernote account.

Customizing Your Evernote

As you can see below, I can save Twitter replies from my account right into Evernote.

The Basics of Evernote

TAGS: You can apply tags to items same as anything. Makes categorizing easier.

NOTEBOOKS: Your default notebook is labeled with your account’s username. You can add more of your own, or download pre-made notebooks on all kinds of information from Evernote’s library which totally rocks, btw.

ITEMS VIEW LIST: Everything you clip is listed in that middle pane there. When you scroll over it, it shows up large on the right pane there. In this example, I used the Bugatti espresso machines as you can plainly see. The right pane shows you the tag name and the website link it came from. Click the web link and it’ll take you to the website.

SYNC BUTTON: After you finish clipping stuff, clicking the Sync button allows standalone Evernote to update your account at so it can contain all your new clippings. Works the same way if you clip from your cell phone or wherever.

CURRENT MONTHLY USAGE: This is a meter Evernote uses to keep track of how much space every month your clippings take up. Which is why they offer a paid upgrade for more space.

TRASH: Just check off any notes in your list and click the Trash can on the left window pane. Empty it. Done.

How To Draw In Evernote

Yes, you can draw and doodle in Evernote! Here’s how:

drawing in Evernote

*NOTE* You can use your mouse, but I have a Wacom tablet so I use my pen stylus which is a whole lot easier!

Select the Ink Note icon at the top, and the memopad shows up in the right pane as you can see above. Then select the pencil icon. (pink arrow’s pointing to it)

Those 3 List View buttons will organize your clippings however you want to see them arranged. I click on it and you can see my doodle automatically saved into All Notebooks. This is because I didn’t specify where to save it.

How To Write In Evernote

Apparently, you can also write notes or documents inside Evernote:

Writing in Evernote

How To Upload Folders In Evernote

Yes, you can upload an entire folder into Evernote. But only as long as you still have enough monthly space in your account. (file  size cannot exceed size allotted per month)

For example, here’s my file folder:

Let’s upload. Tools> Import Folders > and find the one you want in the list. If you don’t see what you want, click the Add button and search for it:

Uploading a folder in Evernote

It’s a little confusing to say you can upload a folder, because the folder itself doesn’t get uploaded. It’s the folder’s content that gets into Evernote:

Folder contents uploaded to Evernote

So it worked as you can see. The tattoo images have been imported from the Tat folder.

You see the monthly Current Monthly Usage meter there? It’ll turn red and a pop-up warning window will appear if that folder is too big to import. You can get around this if you shrink down the size of your folder’s contents, such as photos. Or, if you delete some of the files in that folder, that’ll take up less space.

Now there’s two ways you can view each item. In the right window pane, or in a floating window by itself. Neat, huh?

Viewing preferences in Evernote

YOu can even select a note and add notations to it, like so:

Add text to notes in Evernote

And you can change the colors and fonts as well…

Change fonts and colors of text in Evernote

Customizing rules!

How To Email From Evernote

YES, you can email any content inside Evernote to yourself! Yes we can-can!

Select any note (item) in your Evernote account and click the Email icon you see at the top. That easy.

Emailing from Evernote

Again, if you’re extremely close to using up what’s left of your monthly storage, you may not be able to perform the emailing action.

In this example, I was able to send the image to my email account as you can see:

How To Save Sound, Audio Files In Evernote

Let me explain one thing here. You can save the audio files into Evernote, but Evernote cannot web clip the actual sound byte because it’s not like it has a download manager. You cannot use Evernote to do any MP3 downloads.

What you can do is add that download page with the download link as a new item into Evernote. You can even drag n’ drop the actual MP3 into it. (provided you downloaded one)

Like any other web clipping, you just highlight the download link and click the Evernote icon. Usually works; if the website’s formatted weird it may not clip all the content.

I did not have enough space in my Evernote this month, so the MP3 didn’t make it in. It did however, make a link to where it is stored on my computer as you can see above.

I actually love Evernote so much that I made  a second account. So I logged into it and tried the same thing; I have more space in this account:

Warning message in Evernote

The warning message came up again because I’m dangerously close to exceeding the storage limit, however, the info was saved into the note. So I have not only the link to the website for the MP3 but also, the actual MP3. Because I dragged it in there after I downloaded it.

As a bonus, right after dragging the MP3 into my note, my computer automatically starts playing it with whatever default media player you have loaded onto your computer:

Adding an MP3 into a new note in Evernote

Someone wrote this in the Evernote forums about tips for MP3s in Evernote. It’s a quick read and informative.

And if you’re interested, the Dial2D0 app can be found in the Trunk. It offers a FREE and paid version of a software that transcribes your Evernote sound files.

What Is the Trunk Button For?

I’m covering this now because I wanted you to get the hang of Evernote first, before exploring all the add-on doodats. The Trunk button is that second button you see at the top of the menu with the plus sign. It takes you to a page listing  all the apps compatible with Evernote.

Here’s one of them. Did you know that there’s an app for scanning receipts & business cards???

The app for Evernote scans receipts and businesscards

Which Web Browsers Evernote Supports

If you’re using an older version of your web browser, a similar message like this will pop up:

Evernote currently supports these web browsers

Help For Evernote

I think I’ve pretty much covered all the basic functions. My only gripe is that because I have two Evernote accounts, the web clipper automatically signs me in with whichever one I used when I installed the stand-alone Evernote. I have hopes the Evernote people will correct this in the future. I’d really hate to have to keep uninstalling/ reinstalling just to access either account!

Evernote keeps adding features to let you add all kinds of media so keep checking back; I believe video apps may be available now. (check the Trunk section)  Bottom line, Evernote’s amazing as a project management tool. Or for people with ADHD like me. Rowrr!

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