Skip Li keynotes 2016 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

ELM founder Skip Li was the keynote speaker at the 2016 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast, an annual bipartisan gathering of politicians, community leaders, and students.

The event dates back to a 1935 gathering of business executives in Seattle that gathered to pray about the issues of the day. In 1941, new Washington Governor Arthur Langley invited friends from around the state to join the event, which was the first of its kind in the country. It became a model for other states and the National Prayer Breakfast, which started with President Eisenhower in 1953 and that has been attended by every president since then.

Skip spoke about his love for America as someone who was born and grew up abroad, the opportunity created by the rule of law, and how the church and inspired leaders doing the right thing can make a difference even in times of division and fear. The entire event is available on TVW; Skip’s speech starts at the 59-minute mark.