Esther & Jerry Hicks - Getting Into the Vortex

Getting Into the Vortex
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This is the Abraham tool you have been waiting for! These 4 meditations will put you in the Vortex!

These guided meditations will help you release long-standing resistance. You will feel a breaking loose and then your manifested world will never be the same. . . Your physical experiences will begin to manifest. Others will think your luck has shifted. But it is not luck that shifted, it is your Vibrational relationship to your desires.

Abraham has taught us that our life is simply about our point of attraction, and our point of attraction is about our chronic vibrational patterns of thought. The more we have learned about the Law of Attraction the more we have come to intellectually understand all of this, but as people often say, "Easier said than done. We understand the idea of it, but the application of it is not so easy." But now, the application is easy because Abraham has given us a tool to assist us in the gentle and deliberate raising of our vibrations and to incredible improvements in our point of attraction.

If you can find a way of focusing differently so that you find yourself inside the Vortex, in alignment with who-you-really-are, and then, from inside the Vortex, you do 100 percent of your affirming, it is a shortcut that we think is really worth considering. And that is what our meditations user guide/CD is really all about. It is a faster way for you to release resistance, some of it that you have been carrying around for most of your life. It is a faster way of using the leverage of the Energy that creates worlds to help you to get from where you are to the improved state of being that you prefer.
—From the Introduction by Abraham
Getting Into the Vortex contains four powerfully guided daily meditations that have been designed to get you into the Vortex of Creation in four basic areas of your life: General Well-Being, Financial Well-Being, Physical Well-Being, and Relationships.

Jerry and Esther are thrilled to offer this powerful, first-of-its-kind, musically scored, breath-enhancing, user-friendly tool from Abraham that will get you into the Vortex where you will rendezvous with everything that you desire. And, as Abraham often says, "We are not kidding you, not even a little bit."
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As you relax and breathe deeply, you can feel the appreciation that Source feels for you in this moment in time—appreciation for your physical world, for its diversity, and for the stream of never-ending desires that flow forth from you.

The Non-Physical Source from which you have come is always aware of you, always enjoying you, always loving you, and always feeling appreciation for the important role you are playing in the expansion of All-That-Is. Your lack of awareness of the Source within you in no way hinders the ability of Source to be aware of you.

Since your Non-Physical Source Energy is always aware of you, always f lowing to you, any disruption in that communication is always caused by you because of whatever you are focused upon in that moment in time. But, day by day, as you give your attention to the rhythm of the guiding music, to the cadence of your breathing, to the feeling of these words—any long-held patterns of resistance will dissipate.

Since resistance that has been introduced by your thoughts is the only thing that hinders the conscious blending between you and your Inner Being, as that resistance gradually dissipates, your conscious awareness of your relationship with Source will come forward into your awareness.

When you feel love or appreciation or passion or joy, those feelings are not only your indication that you are blended with the Source within you, but they are also indicators of how Source is also feeling. Because of the perspective of love that Source always chooses to hold, there is always a guiding Vibrational signal for you to tune yourself to.

A simple withdrawal of your attention from resistant thoughts is the only path to your alignment with the pure, positive Energy that is at your core. And so, just relax and breathe deeply, and allow your natural alignment.

Excerpted from Meditation: General Well-Being of Getting Into the Vortex

HayHouse.comAbraham-Hicks.comVortex of Attraction Series