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Elon Musk hasn't decided how much of the Model 3 to show next month

Elon Musk hasn't decided how much of the Model 3 to show next month

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On its fourth quarter earnings call this afternoon, discussion inevitably turned to the upcoming Model 3 during the Q&A session with analysts. In response to a question about what we'll see of the car at its March 31st unveiling, CEO Elon Musk's reply was that he hasn't decided. Seriously: "We're trying to decide whether we should show all the cards or keep a few cards close to the vest," he said. "We haven't made a decision yet."

It's unclear exactly how wide of a spectrum of options Musk is considering, though. Previous rumors that a second model, the mass-market Model Y crossover, could be shown in addition to the Model 3 sedan were shot down by Tesla — so we're almost certainly looking at a single vehicle for the time being. But whether we get just a few teaser shots or a full-on unveil of the actual car, inside and out, is apparently still a decision that rests in Musk's hands.

Regardless of what we see, we're in for a bit of a wait: Tesla also reaffirmed its late 2017 target for initial production and delivery of the car, which means we'll be more than a year out.