Elderberry syrup sticking around as cold, allergy remedy

Tim Parrish
For The Leaf-Chronicle

There are hundreds of brands of cough syrup flying off the shelves during this tough flu season. But how did people treat flu, colds and allergies before pharmaceuticals came along? With natural remedies.

Ali Peifer has been making Old Wives’ Tales Organic Black Elderberry Syrup since 2015.

Ali Peifer wants to return to some of those treatments.

In 2015, Peifer heard about elderberry syrup and its healing powers. She was amazed by what she learned.  

“My daughter, Remington, became very sick, and the illness compromised her immune system,” Peifer said. “I had heard about elderberry syrup and decided to give it try. I witnessed firsthand the healing powers of the syrup as Remy regained her strength, energy and eating habits.”

Peifer began making her own, and in 2015 she launched her brand: Old Wives’ Tales Organic Black Elderberry Syrup. She is doing something right because she cannot make it fast enough to keep it in stock at the pharmacies where it's sold. 

“I use only organic products. The ingredients include distilled water, organic elderberries, raw honey, organic cloves, organic ginger, and organic cinnamon," Peifer said.

"The elderberries are thoroughly cooked down in the distilled water to become a juice. This usually takes 90 minutes. Then I strain it and the other ingredients are added.

So much of our knowledge of the medicinal powers of foods, herbs and spices has been lost over the years. Peifer gave some examples.

“Honey boosts the immune system. Cloves are an anti-parasitic. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory benefits. Elderberries are rich in dietary fiber while the potassium helps with the heart. A very important benefit of elderberry syrup is the boost it gives to our immune system and the relief it provides to people with allergies.”

Elderberries grow on bushes, and you will find them growing the lower 48 states. The berry is the size of small grape and so deeply bluish/purple it almost looks black. A strong word of warning though: Never eat a raw elderberry. Doing so will leave you with terrible digestive pain and you will be quite ill.

Peifer buys black European elderberries from an organic grower whose name she wants to keep to herself. Raw honey is purchased from Don Walker, owner of Bard Roc Farm. The other ingredients are bought locally, which is something she strongly believes in.

In recent years, more people have turned to organic products, and Peifer believes that movement will continue to grow. 

“I am not a physician or osteopath, and I’m not a homeopath," she said. "I am simply trying to do my part in helping Americans achieve good health. There are too many antibiotics being consumed and people are getting sick from the very medicines they are taking to make them well."

As for using elderberry syrup to treat an ailment, Peifer recommends one-half to a whole tablespoon daily for adults and one-half to a whole teaspoon for children. A pint jar (16 ounces) will last seven weeks if kept refrigerated after opening. 


Old Wives’ Tales Organic Black Elderberry Syrup can be purchased at the following retailers:

  • Sango Pharmacy, 2622 Madison Street
  • Comprehensive Wellness Pharmacy, 495 Dunlop Lane
  • Dunlop Pharmacy, 620 Dunlop Lane
  • Sew What, 5733 S. Riverside Drive