Email Analysis

Track subscribers to your email marketing lists

In a recent post, we've mentioned how few companies tracked their subscribers’ behaviour online. If this is you then you are missing out on a significant feature of email marketing. Those that do track have an advantage.

The behaviour of subscribers to your email marketing list gives you metrics that can be used to segregate them. Targeting increases ROI and reduces wastage. These are ways of increasing the effectiveness of the returns.Tracking Subscribers To You Email Marketing Lists | WizEmail - email marketing software

For instance, you will probably display similar items on one page on your site. If the subscriber looks at that page for a time, you know they have some interest in the items. However, you do not know which type or individual item. You need some way for them to show you their particular interest.

Have a click-through to further information about the items. If they click on the link under item 4 then you know that’s grabbed their attention. If they don’t buy it then it is probable that it is not exactly what they are after. It might be price, or that it does not perform a function they want or need. 

Now you can capitalise on your extra knowledge. Segregate your email marketing list, making up one to include only those who clicked through to the landing page. Offer them the item they viewed at a slightly reduced rate, or perhaps include some sort of additional item for free.

For the ones who clicked through to the colour range, offer a similar item but, obviously, with a range of colours and highlight this is the marketing email and consider doing so in the Subject Line. Change the text to emphasise the selection.

Set up your web pages to ensure you obtain this information. Have specifications on a click through. Newsletters also lend themselves to such methods. Include a tempter, with an image and teasing text, just enough to gain their interest, and then include ‘further reading’. Marketing emails, web pages and newsletters should also be seen as a way of gaining information.

To target email marketing campaigns you need information. Go get it first, before your competitors do.




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