mentoring 410

About Mentoring in Parks and Rec

Local park and recreation agencies provide ample opportunities for youth to build positive social connections. Through the Mentoring in Parks and Rec, NRPA supports agencies in their efforts to build effective and evidence-based mentorship programs that connect youth with caring and compassionate mentors while strengthening connections across community.

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Mentoring Resources Featured 410

NRPA's Mentoring Resources

NRPA has developed a suite of resources to help local park and recreation agencies develop their own mentoring programs. Explore these resource to help your agency leverage local park and recreation assets to build protective factors around at-risk youth, while forming strong social connections and positive relationships to address trauma, adversity and other challenges that youth experience.

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Mentoring Address ACE 410b

Mentoring to Address Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences

A rising cause for concern in communities across the country is the impact of adverse childhood experiences and trauma on youth mental and behavioral health outcomes.

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Mentoring Central Appalachia 410

Park and Recreation Mentorship for Rural Youth Impacted by Opioids in Central Appalachia

Since 2018, NRPA has worked with 15 communities to develop and implement an evidence-based mentoring program targeting at-risk youth living in rural communities.

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Mentoring Research Resources 410

Resource and Research Database

Mentorship Program Resources: The National Mentoring Partnership’s fourth edition of Elements of Effective Practice for MentoringTM highlights six evidence-based standards that are intended to be applicable for any type of mentoring program. Supplemental guides are also available for specific target programs.

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