Phys Ed: Does Loneliness Reduce the Benefits of Exercise?

Luke White

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, this seems the proper moment to ask whether being in a relationship changes how you exercise and, perhaps even more intriguing, whether relationships affect how exercise changes you.

Phys Ed

That latter possibility was memorably raised in an elegant series of experiments conducted not long ago at Princeton University. The researchers were trying to replicate earlier work in which the brains of mice given free access to running wheels subsequently fizzed with new brain cells, a process known as neurogenesis, and the mice performed better on rodent intelligence tests than those without access to wheels. To the Princeton researchers’ surprise, when they performed the same study with rats, “which are a little closer, physiologically, to humans,” said Alexis Stranahan, the lead author of the Princeton study, running did not lead to neurogenesis. The rats’ brains remained resolutely unaffected by exercise.

Hoping to discover why, the researchers examined how the rats and mice had been housed and learned that while the mice in the earlier experiments had lived in groups, the rats were kept in single-occupancy cages. Rats, in the wild, are gregarious. They like to be together. The researchers wondered whether isolation could somehow be undermining the cerebral benefits of exercise at a cellular level.

Putting this idea to the test, they divided young male rats into groups housed either in threes or singly and, after a week, gave half of them access to running wheels. All of these rats ran, but only the rats with cage mates experienced rapid and robust neurogenesis. Not until after weeks of running, long after the other socially engaged rats’ brains had sprouted plentiful new neurons and neural connections, did the lone rats start to produce brain cells. Social isolation had dramatically suppressed and slowed the process.

A recent follow-up experiment by scientists at the University of Houston produced similar results in female rats, which are even more sociable than males. Housed alone, the distaff rats experienced significantly less neurogenesis than female rodents with roommates, even though both groups ran similar distances on their wheels.

Why and how isolation affects exercise and neurogenesis remain somewhat mysterious, said Dr. Stranahan, now an assistant professor at Georgia Health Sciences University. But part of the cause almost certainly involves an excess of tension. “Exercise is a form of stress,” she pointed out. So is social isolation. Each, independently, induces the release of stress hormones (primarily corticosterone in rodents and cortisol in people). These hormones have been found, in multiple studies, to reduce neurogenesis. Except after exercise; then, despite increased levels of the hormones, neurogenesis booms. It’s possible, Dr. Stranahan said, that social connections provide a physiological buffer, a calming, that helps neurogenesis to proceed despite the stressful nature of exercise. Social isolation removes that protection and simultaneously pumps more stress hormones into the system, blunting exercise’s positive effects on brainpower.

Does this happen in lonely human exercisers? No one knows, Dr. Stranahan said, since comparable experiments on people are impossible. (The animals were sacrificed.) But she added, “There is abundant epidemiological literature in people that loneliness has cognitive consequences, contributing to depression, strokes, Alzheimer’s and so on.”

On the other hand, new science suggests that at least in people, close relationships may reduce how fit someone is. For a study published online in December, researchers cross-correlated data about the cardiovascular fitness and relationship status of 8,871 adults who had been tested several times over the years at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas. They found that single women who remained single also retained most of their fitness, while those who married tended to become less fit. Meanwhile, men who divorced became fitter; men who remarried often let themselves go. The authors speculated that divergent worries about appearance and desirability could have been motivating single people to work out and married couples to slack off. (No data was included about those insidious destroyers of workouts, children.)

Taken together, these otherwise varying studies of rodents and humans suggest that while exercise may seem a simple physical activity engaged in by individuals, it is not. It is in fact a behavior plaited with social and emotional concerns that can influence how often you work out and with what physiological consequences. It may take longer for lonely people to improve the state of their brains with exercise, Dr. Stranahan said, just as it may take a divorce to get some men in shape. But thankfully, there are some aspects of exercise and interpersonal relationships that remain stubbornly unambiguous. In a 2010 study from the Neuroscience Institute at Princeton, male rats given access to “sexually receptive” females enthusiastically engaged in procreative activity, a moderate workout in its own right and, despite raising their stress hormones, vigorously pumped up the amount of neurogenesis in their brains. Sex improved their ability to think, obvious jokes notwithstanding.

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Intriguing studies and conclusions, perhaps this could relate back to evolutionary biology/sociology in that those individuals able to successfully integrate into an accepting communal unit/group, while also possessing a proclivity for physical exercise and superior physical fitness, would produce the fittest and most successful offspring. This explanation reveals at least some of the connection between the lack of benefits of exercise seen in isolated individuals (or rats for that matter), as offspring raised in isolation in primitive societies would have less of a chance of survival than those raised in a supportive group environment.

This may be the most useless research study ever. I hope some funding was revoked.

I’m guessing these poor creatures did not have their RatPODS available to test.

Very interesting! I’m an avid runner, as is my boyfriend. I have no idea how us being together affects the cerebral benefits of our training, but in terms of becoming more or less fit in a relationship, it goes both ways for us. At times, we support each other to become healthier, and if one of us struggles (wants to skip a run or eat an overly indulgent meal, for example), the other encourages to stay on track. But many times, one of us struggles and it breaks down the other person’s willpower, and we end up both skipping that run or indulging, and although we feel guilty we feel slightly less guilty about it because we did it together.

Overall, however, if remaining fit and healthy is a lifelong priority as it is for me, it really helps to be in a relationship with someone who also loves being active. I have perhaps been leaner and fitter when single at various times in my life, but I have achieved greater things as an athlete within the supportive framework of my relationship.


The Healthy Librarian February 9, 2011 · 6:49 am

In my humble opinion, this research fall into the “knocks my socks off category!”

I hope there’s something to this research–because nothing beats the fun and camaraderie of exercising in a group.

For 35 years I’ve been going to the same community gym to spin, lift, take yoga classes &—and before that it was step aerobics or aerobic dancing.

So if your research is right–I’m not only working out & having fun–because I’m doing it with a group–I’m buffering the stress of the exercise, AND building brain cells. Yay!

Here’s a recap of some of 2010’s practical medical research that I’ve now adopted–and seems to be of benefit.
(the exercise stuff needs a tiny scroll down)


These are, of course, complex factors even if the basics do also apply to humans. What of someone who is alone, i.e., single, but no lonely? Not everyone who is ‘single’ is miserable or pining. What about folks who are in relationships that are stressful and unsatisfactory?

What effects do other life patterns have on this neurogenesis? For example, might a person who is more brain-active receive more of a boost from exercise than someone who is not regardless of their relationship situation?

Rambling set of observations, but interesting nonetheless.

But on the main rat study, maybe the socialized rats just ran more (or less), faster (or slower). This is hard to quantify experimentally, and could be the reason socialized rats grew neurons.

First things first. Any exercise that only promotes personal or narcissistic identification with the body is most likely to encourage separation between self and others. Loneliness is very likely to result – in the company of others or not. Or, thinking that one is an entirely separate personal identity who “owns” a body is a painful and “lonely” delusion which influences everything else in an unsatisfying way. Proximity to others does not mean that one is either more or less identified with the body – this delusion is a kind of inherent separation which is very human. It causes much more trouble than just “loneliness”. Mice and rats are not identified with their bodies in the way of the human default. Proximity would or would not result in “mouse loneliness” or other traceable brain activity depending on their conditioned biological makeup – they do not mess their system up with egoistic self identification – unless trained to do so.

Exercising in groups has changed my life AND my whole neighborhood; our group workouts have created a fantastic community. We walk a mile to school (12 children on our best days) and host Neighborhood Dance Party on Monday nights. I love this blog post because it confirms what I’ve been wondering for a while: why does exercising together feels so wonderful? Thank you from Live with Flair! //

I second the comment by Healthy Librarian. Group exercise has got to the be the ultimate type of workout to induce neurogenesis. Group exercise isn’t for everyone, but it just got a heck of lot easier to participate in a social workout from home. Visit // for more info.

Mike – Fitness Contrarian February 9, 2011 · 9:16 am

Loneliness reduces the benefits of everything in your life. If you feel lonely you might be depressed and that will affect the health benefits of exercise and just about every aspect of your wellbeing.


@#4: I’m so sorry to hear that you feel guilt for consuming food. Healthy eating is not a moral imperative; a doughnut does not come with an armed guard to dispense 20 lashes and the priest won’t gasp should you go to confessional.

Fascinating studies! The combined/dependent effects of exercise and social relationship on brain functions shows well that there is no magic pill for brain health. The best approach so far is multi-pronged centered on nutrition, stress management, and both physical and mental exercise. // Years of exciting research needed to discover how all these interact!

Very interesting. I wonder if watching a movie while exercising, as I do, has any positive effect. I find exercising without having something visual and interesting to engage my brain is a total stopper, but I happily put a dvd on the player and work more consistently and happily than I ever did before.

On the other hand, marriage makes one sit on the couch after a big (lovely!) meal -( with drinks, of course) every night because you are so happy together, so marriage makes you fat..Kids make you even fatter, because for the first two years you sit on the couch and eat and watch them..
so loneliness also makes you thin..
And you can never be too rich or too thin..

But is neurogenesis in and of itself any grand deal? Can’t you accomplish the same thing by taking classical guitar? The real question, for me, is did the social rats run better, longer, faster? Were they deonstrably healthier? Were their lives better until they were, ahem, sacrificed?

William McCloskey, Pittsburgh

Sorry … neuro-deprived this morning. Make that “taking up classical guitar” and “demonstrably healthier”

I agree with Michael. A useless study. When will researchers stop torturing animals just so that yuppies can have better exercise results?

You don’t need rats to know this stuff. You just need experience excercising.

If you’ve got a nice body and you’re good at whatever it is you’re doing, you’re going to get compliments and admiration. If you’re not but people see effort and potential, the same plus aid and encouragement.

There’s a down side, however. A risk. If you’re ugly and socially unattractive you will be shunned…and that will make your situation worse. Much worse.

So sports team players who get drunk basically are at risk to break even

omg…I’ve read here that others dread see me coming down the airplane aisle: the dreaded heavy older woman. I’ve read here that a 40-60 minute walk is a lark in the park….somehow I’m guessing the author isn’t 70 with osteoarthritis in both knees. Now I read that if I exercise alone, might be doing me no good in any case. One more thing “wrong” /lacking in my life. We shun,avoid and isolate heavy old people and then blame them for being alone.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t get the picture of those poor rats locked up in lonely cells out of my head. What a sad way to live one’s life.

I also feel sad for those that don’t get outside to exercise. I know there are plenty of factors that can inhibit this type of exercise, but believe me, I live in Wisconsin and am able to get outside for a walk everyday. I feel getting outside and getting fresh air makes me feel smarter, but who knows?

@#12 – of course i don’t feel guilty if i eat a doughnut – i have a huge sweet tooth and although i try to be healthy, of course i also enjoy life and don’t deprive myself of delicious things! a benefit of being active is that you can get away with indulging a bit more than inactive people. but i certainly would feel guilty if i ate four or five doughnuts in one go, or one doughnut every day, particularly when preparing for a big race!


I agree with Mike (#11) — what is the causation/correlation relationship here? Maybe the lonely rats were depressed, and that made them less likely to generate neurons ANYWAY.

anecdotally, I don’t work out in a group, but that doesn’t make me lonely. I just find that I push myself harder if I’m not trying to be social at the same time.

How much brain improvement, what areas, were they smarter?