MBA Polymers to expand in the US, relocate R&D

MBA Polymers to expand in the US, relocate R&D

Despite closing its R&D facility in Richmond, California due to the plant’s small size and ending lease, MBA Polymers Inc. will move its new R&D division to Worksop, England. MBA Polymers already has a 126,000 square-foot recycling plant in Worksop, England that can recover and process up to 176 million pounds of plastics and rubber from shredded revenue. The R&D division is moving from California to Europe because recycling rates are higher in Europe compared to the US and Europe offers more short-term opportunities for growth, according to MBA Polymers.

On the flip side, MBA Polymers also expressed its interests to expand in the United States due to recent developments within the US and abroad. For example, in April, the Environmental Protection Agency gave the go-ahead for plastic mining amongst auto shredder residue, which MBA Polymers specializes in. Biddle also expressed his support of China’s recent commitments and policy changes to combating pollution and the need for MBA to adapt to the higher environmental standards in China.

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