Tips, Tools, & Tutorials
for Internet Marketing Professionals

VBSS Product Review for Your Internet Marketing Business

virtual assistant startup systemVirtual assistants can make your life as an internet marketing business owner significantly easier.  In fact, a good virtual assistant can become your right hand person.  A virtual assistant can provide insight, systems, and support.  Virtual Assistant in a Box is a training system designed to help aspiring virtual assistants with no experience, to start up a successful business in thirty days. 

What’s In the Box? 

Tawnya Sutherland, creator of VBSS, has created a start to finish program.  Training modules include how to:

  • Write a business plan
  • Register your business
  • Choose a niche or specialty
  • Establish yourself as an expert
  • Market yourself effectively online
  • Work with clients so they come back again and again
  • Create effective systems to save time and make more money
  • Generate income from multiple revenue streams.

Functional, Simple, Valuable

One of the virtues of Virtual Assistant in A Box is its simplicity.  Tawnya breaks it down into simple, straight forward and manageable steps.  You won’t feel overwhelmed or under stimulated.  It strikes a perfect balance between reading and exercises.  Tawnya provides a consistent flow of information, exercises, templates, checklists and success tips.

The course contains:

  • A workbook to walk you through the process of starting your virtual assistant business
  • A CD-ROM that includes over 125 business templates, e-books, tutorials, charts, articles, coupons and even Virtual Assistant business contracts that are necessary to operate a Virtual Assistant business.  (This CD saves you hundreds of hours of extra work!)
  • A multitude of books including:
    • The Virtual Assistant’s Guide to Marketing – 2nd Edition by Michelle Jamison
    • How To Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business by Janice Byer and Elayne Whitfield-Parr
    • And a custom designed basic website/blog combo or 10 Virtual Assistant website templates – you get to decide which works best for you.
    • Domain name registration and hosting
    • A CD packed with VA Seminars and Workshops
    • Start up forms
    • Business plan template and a coaching session with Tawnya herself

Is Virtual Assistant In a Box Just for Aspiring Virtual Assistants? 

The Virtual Assistant in a Box isn’t just for Virtual assistants.  The materials provided in the home course can help people build a variety of businesses.  If you’re a service provider, or work at home business entrepreneur, the systems, marketing guidance, and templates will help guide you to build the best business possible.  And as a side benefit, you’ll gain firsthand knowledge about how to work with your virtual assistants in the most effective and profitable way possible. 

The Details and Fine Print

VBSS costs $997 and comes with a 45-day money back guarantee.  And shipping is free.  You can also break your payments up into three installments.  While the price may seem expensive at first, you really are getting an entire business in a box.  From the business plan and forms to marketing systems and coaching, you get everything you need to succeed in business.  You can make back your investment in your first week working as a virtual assistant.

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If you’d like to see more tips, tools, and tutorials on how to start an internet marketing business, please be sure to visit, where we will provide you with plenty of well thought out advise on getting started online.

Recommended Resources Mentioned:

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To Your Success Online,



Tony Websmith

Internet Marketing Professional, Coach, & Consultant

Websmith Marketing, Inc.

“Teaching you how to start a profitable internet marketing business!”


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