That's adding a sustainable operating practice, like offering Instant Gift Certificates, your business can do it's part in helping the planet while increasing your sales. Good for you, good for customers, good for the planet!

Plenty Magazine, a leading resource for sustainable living, reported that plastic gift cards account for 75 million pounds of discarded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) each year. PVC is a toxic substance that can contaminate water supplies. EPA studies show that exposure to PVC puts people at increased risk of liver damage, reproductive and developmental health problems, and cancer.

How Are Instant Gift Certificates Green?

When given the choice 85% of consumers choose to purchase instant gift certificates online over being shipped a physical gift card. Knowing that fact we can say that by offering instant gift certificates you will achieve the following green benefits:

  • Reducing your need for plastic gift cards means less plastic ending up in land fills. It also means less production of gift cards by manufactures which reduces the need for oil.
  • Instant Gift Certificates do not require shipping which means no harmful emissions from postal trucks or customers driving to your store to make a gift purchase.
  • Instant Gift Certificates are either displayed on a smart phone or printed by your customer on regular paper which is 100% recyclable.

Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary likes the green benefits of instant gift certificates which save on both paper and plastic costs. As a founding member of Green Spa Network, Osmosis has been committed to greening their spa operations for several years. Instant gift certificates now account for over 75% of their total gift certificate sales. rates are good and customer service has been great. This is another example of doing well by doing good.

Michael Stusser
Osmosis Day Spa Sanctuary - Freestone, CA

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