Monday, October 11, 2010

To: U.S. President Barack Obama, Word on the street is SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS are UN-ACCOUNTED for in L.A. Housing Department Account (It Doesn't Add Up!)

To: U.S. President Barack Obama
Fr: The People of Los Angeles
Re: Several Millions of Un-Accounted Dollars from L.A. Housing Department Account
Dt: 10/11/10

Mr. President,

Perhaps you should have Mercedes Marquez call over to her Asst GM appointment in the Los Angeles Housing Department and see if he can find the SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS that no one can seem to account for.

Only two things can be happening:
1) The money is not being collected for whatever reason. And it is not the Asst GM's money to decided not to collect. It is the People of Los Angeles' money, and they want it collected. 

2) It is being pilfered and racketeered. (The People of Los Angeles don't want that either.)

This LOUD allegation is in addition to "Conflict of Interest" allegations as relating to Ms. Marquez's Asst GM appointment, as well. (Allegation being he is also an outreach contractor AND attorney, using info gathered in role as a city outreach contractor; to then take the information and use it to create lawsuits against property owners.)

It's all unraveling on this blog (see postings below) -- and before the People of Los Angeles on LIVE TV, during the televised council meetings.
HOPEFULLY, you can have Mercedes put in a call to the Housing Department to see what this is all about. Because this issue hurts both renters AND landlords and demonstrates the type of firmly entrenched corruption that has flourished under your 30-10 Transpo-pal, Antonio Villaraiogsa. (He's making you look bad, Barack.) 

Concerned Citizen
Los Angeles, CA