17 Very Chic Cafe Gitane Avocado Toasts That Are Instagram Famous


    1. This avocado toast giving us an angle:

    2. This avocado toast that wants you to "like not comment:"

    3. This avocado toast that got some color in the ~~South of France~~

    4. This avo toast that got some work done (but don't mention it, it totally thinks no one can tell. Yikes, I know):

    5. This avocado toast that some people say has a perfectly symmetrical face:

    6. This avocado toast that recently became the first avocado toast of color in this BuzzFeed post:

    7. This avocado toast John Stamos once told was pretty:

    8. This avocado toast that like... okay, so you can't really tell from this picture, but it's gorgeous IRL. Everyone thinks so:

    9. This avocado toast that was allegedly the reason for the Solange/Jay-Z elevator blow up:

    10. This plus-sized avocado toast sending us a message about body positivity. Yes, thank you avocado toast!

    11. This avocado toast that is comfortable sharing the spotlight:

    12. This ill-lit avocado toast with a really rich father:

    13. This avo toast that doesn't even have to wear makeup. Ugh, don't you hate it!

    14. This avocado that basically just wears all-black everyday. I don't think that really counts as style, but a lot of people think this toast is like... a fashion icon:

    15. This avocado toast that just got out of rehab and is trying to stay away from the whole "party scene" for a while:

    16. This avocado toast that I ran into once in the locker room at Equinox:

    17. This avocado toast that I almost didn't recognize without its twin. God, I'd heard they're tiny, but you really just can't tell from photos. Pity they don't do movies anymore...