
"Look Out for the Diaoyu Islands"(尖閣諸島に注視せよ)

The other problem is that, technically, the U.S. would be obliged to bail Japan out if there were a fight over the Senkakus. The U.S. doesn’t take a position on who owns the islands, but the Japan-U.S. security treaty specifies that the U.S. will help defend areas that Japan administers. And in 1972, when the U.S. handed Okinawa back to Japan, it agreed that Japan should administer the Senkakus. So we’re in the absurd position of being committed to help Japan fight a war over islands, even though we don’t agree that they are necessarily Japanese.


In reality, of course, there is zero chance that the U.S. will honor its treaty obligation over a few barren rocks. We’re not going to risk a nuclear confrontation with China over some islands that may well be China’s. But if we don’t help, our security relationship with Japan will be stretched to the breaking point.





また著者は、国際法に照らし、領有権に関する主張は国際司法裁判所で闘わせるのがベストである(The best approach would be for China and Japan to agree to refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice,)、と主張しているが、それが現実的でないことも認めている(but realistically that won’t happen. )。つまり解決策はないと言っているにも等しい。


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