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Superhero -- Not The Career Trajectory It Used to Be

Updated Mar 30, 2014, 08:05pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

What do Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Andrew Garfield and Henry Cavill have in common?

“Superheroes” who have failed to conquer public awareness.

Despite starring in blockbusters that scored hundreds of millions of dollars in comic book franchises that were essentially guaranteed risks that should have made them household names, Evans (Captain America), Hemsworth (Thor), Garfield (The Amazing Spider-man) and Cavill (Man of Steel) appear to be trapped in a shape-shifting anomaly unique to their moment of trying to catch the career trajectory that gave their male predecessors A-list cache making $20 million per picture and longevity that would span decades.

New York magazine’s entertainment news spin-off commissioned the nationwide survey company E-Score to conduct a poll on the most valuable stars in the biggest superhero movies of the past few years. An odd result turned up late last week. Out of a possible 100 score on the public awareness poll, Hemsworth, 30, (who starred in The Avengers, one of the biggest hits of all time) scored 22; Evans, 32, (another Avenger and Fantastic 4) scored 18; Cavill, 30, scored 11; and Garfield, 30, scored 10.

Their male predecessors, actors skewing a bit older but still in the superhero game, significantly scored higher: Robert Downey Jr., 49, (Iron Man, fellow Avenger and Sherlock Holmes) outranked all with 69, while Hugh Jackman, 45, (Wolverine, The X-Men) scored 59.

Aside from their male predecessors the E-Poll showed breakthrough statistics: The four younger superheroes’ female co-stars scored overwhelmingly higher: Natalie Portman scored 53 (to Hemsworth’s 22); Scarlett Johansson scored a 52 (dwarfing Evans’ 18); Amy Adams scored 29 (more than double Cavill’s 11); and Emma Stone scored 30 (tripling Garfield’s 10.)

This past week, Evans told Variety he would be retiring from acting and direct after he met his contractual obligations to Marvel to star in three additional Captain America sequels. This weekend Captain America: The Winter Soldier opened in 32 territories, grossing an estimated $75 million. It will open in the U.S. on Friday. The film also stars Robert Redford, 77, one of the biggest stars of his time who garnered praise in 2013 for his difficult action role in the critically acclaimed All Is Lost.

It opened overseas as Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the biggest action stars of his day now 66, tried a third comeback with Sabotage. But it opened poorly with an estimated $5.4 million,  his lowest gross since returning to Hollywood after his stint as California governor.

On the flipside, Russell Crowe, 49, recaptured his Gladiator action mojo, starring as the biblical character Noah, Paramount’s sci-fi spectacle loosely based on the Book of Genesis, grossing an estimated $44 million in the U.S. It also opened in four other territories bringing in what analysts estimate is $95 million in worldwide box office now.

To be fair, Downey and Jackman broke into their respective comic book action roles before so many titles were exploited. Certainly, Crowe gained critical acclaim and box office wins for his action roles as did Schwarzenegger and Redford – all preceding the latest crush of superhero product to hit theaters.

Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst for the box office tracking firm Rentrak, reminded that aside from the effects-ladened action, Noah is also doing well because of another factor – “2014 is proving to be the year of the Bible. This film could close at $50 million for the weekend.” Two other films Son of God and a new release God’s Not Dead have done exceptionally well. “With Heaven Is For Real,” based on the bestseller of a child’s near death experience and engaging the Divine, “set for release April 16 and Ridley Scott’s Exodus starring Christian Bale as Moses opening Dec. 12, there is a flood of these films coming to the multiplex like never before. The results show faith-based films are here to stay.”

As for Evans’ retirement plans, “I never believe stars, boxers, politicians or rock stars when they say they are retiring,” laughs Dergarabedian. “Everybody loves a comeback. Perhaps the perennial stars like Robert Redford will make their mark as they redefine and re-constitute themselves for today's audiences and the movies in which they now appear.”

Like their successors, male action stars at both ends of the age spectrum will be competing now with women for the plum superhero roles, now dominating Young Adult hits like The Hunger Games and Divergent.

Ironically, Vulture’s compelling data shows the biggest challenge the young male superhero stars may be facing, aside from their female co-stars, is yet another lurking in the zeitgeist – an audience who is more invested in the franchise than stars and executives who like the flexibility of choice that investment allows.

As one Sony studio executive put it: “Years ago everybody wanted to be the next big action star, a superhero because the payoff was great. Now everyone can be…but no one can remember your face!”