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'Iron Man 3', 'Short Term 12', And The Best Films Of 2013

Updated Dec 30, 2013, 12:56pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

And here we are, the grand finale of sorts to the various year-end lists. As always, this is less "best" and more "favorites" in the given calendar year. And as always, this will be in alphabetical order save for my personal pick as the "best" film of 2013.  Some of these were genuine blockbusters, some of them were major flops. All of them deserve your attention. And without further ado, here we go...

Beautiful Creatures (Warner Bros.)

If The Host is as bad as most people presume Twilight to be, then Beautiful Creatures is as good as we wished it was. On the surface, this is a variation on the formula, with a super-powered girl reluctantly falling for a normal boy in a small town and witches subbing in for vampires. But what makes the picture work is its rich southern-gothic atmosphere, sharp and funny dialogue, along strong character turns from Emmy Rossum, Emma Thompson, plus a drop-dead hilarious Jeremy Irons who chews the scenery, spits it back out and eats it a second time.

And the key is that we actually root for its core romance, thanks to the delicious chemistry of its two young lovers, played with genuine sexy wit by Alden Ehrenreich (resembling a Titanic-era Leonardo DiCaprio in looks and charm) and Alice Englert. Beautiful Creatures is a commentary on Bible Belt fundamentalism and the hypocritical moral standards of girls becoming women, but it's also an incredibly entertaining bit of hokum that shows first love as the most bewitching spell of all. Marred by a mediocre marketing campaign that struggled to explain its premise and differentiate it from Twilight, it bombed pretty hard, grossing exactly its $60 million budget worldwide. It may end up being one of those films I love more than anyone else, and I'm reasonably sure I'm the only one who will include it in their best-of list. Feel free to rent it and see if I'm right.

Frozen (Disney)

While you won't find me bashing the majority of Disney's post-Lion King animated features, this was still something of an artistic comeback for the House of Mouse long sitting in Pixar's shadow. Read it as a metaphor for gay kids afraid to come out of the closet and the ever-changing standards of "appropriate" female behavior, or just sing "Let It Go" in the car and hope no one is watching. Either way, this is one of Disney's great animated features. It's unexpectedly massive box office (heading towards $300 million domestic and $700m worldwide) via critical acclaim, word-of-mouth, and a non-spoiler ad campaign, makes it the happiest box office story of 2013.

Rather than run away from the fairy tale princess archetype that made them billions, Disney tells an unapologetic princess fairy tale epic that respects the genre while delivering a truly feminist adventure merely by crafting a story around two well-developed female protagonists. The songs are dynamite, the visuals are superb, the script is thoughtful and witty, while the characters are the kind that will justifiably sell toys for decades to come. Frozen is more than just a great animated film, it's a glorious declaration of cultural relevance by sheer force of artistic will. Its critical and financial success is a rallying cry that Disney Animation will not go quietly into that good night.

The Hunt (Magnolia)

Mads Mikkelsen shines in this brutal and emotionally draining Danish drama about a school teacher who is ostracized by his small community after being accused of sexually abusing one of his students. Those who know what the word "McMartin" means won't be too surprised at what happens, but the film keeps an even-keel of the events, never descending into melodrama and treating the obvious miscarriage of justice as something that's almost expected.There are no heroes, and even more surprisingly no villains as the film ignites our righteous anger without explicitly condemning the witch hunt that occurs. Director Thomas Vinterberg seems to be asking: "Would you be any more level-headed in the same situation?"

Inside Lewlyn Davis ( CBS Films)

The Coen Brothers' powerful and soulful fable is a touching love letter to the artistic drive and arguably to each other. It's bleak without being grim, offering a week in the life of a down-on-his-luck folk singer who doesn't realize that he has missed his chance at commercial success even as he finds the idea of giving up more complicated than he presumed. Oscar Issac is terrific and has a hell of a singing voice too, as "Fare Thee Well" is another one to get caught singing in the shower. Joel and Ethan Coen have once again shown themselves to be not just "offbeat" or "quirky", but iconic American storytellers of iconic American stories. This is arguably one of their best films, and certainly their most sincerely moving. It's financial story has yet to be written (around $4 million thus far), but it is a defining work in the Coen Brothers' filmography no matter where it rests on the box office charts.

Iron Man 3 (Disney)

This is the kind of whip-smart blockbuster than almost ennobles the would-be genre. Yes, it's a special effects-filled action romp that's part of an ongoing franchise, but it's also an individual work of art, a case of Marvel being willing to diversify their ongoing feature films even at the expense of the bigger picture. Not only did Shane Black get to make a Shane Black movie in the guise of a $200 million blockbuster, he gave us some of the sharpest political commentary of the year in the form of the year's best plot twist, a twist that Disney miraculously kept secret until the film actually opened via a subversion of marketing expections, and brought genuine closure to the series. Comic fans carped about source fidelity, but let them eat cake, since it made $1.2 billion anyway. Iron Man 3 is an exciting and intelligent adventure picture that is as funny and character-driven as it is action-packed, with the stand-up and applaud action sequence of the year. Iron Man 3 is easily the best "conventional" blockbuster of 2013.

Short Term 12 (Cinedigm Entertainment)

In a just Oscar world where the would-be contenders aren't mostly made up of predetermined October-December releases, this powerhouse drama would surely be in contention, with Brie Larson among the front runners for the Best Actress statute. Writer/director Destin Cretton has crafted one of the most unexpectedly uplifting humanist fables of the year, a potent yet genuinely funny drama set among genuinely good people trying to do right by those who have little to count on.

Larson is superb as a supervisor in a foster care facility, and the picture walks that thin line between heartbreak and affirmation. The film's narrative breaks little ground, but the film delivers in spades through the concept that the only thing more moving than tragedy is unexpected goodness. This one made less than $1 million, a heartbreaking example of genuinely mainstream dramas that can't find multiplex space beside the 2D, 3D, and/or IMAX prints of the same handful of would-be blockbusters. It comes out on VOD and DVD on January 14th. You'll thank me on January 15th.

Stoker ( Fox Searchlight)

On the other side of the happy/sad scale is this twisted and nasty little chiller from director Chan-wook Park and writer Wentworth Miller (yes, the Prison Break guy) is eight different kinds of creepy and all kinds of delicious. With a bravura star turn from Mia Wasikowska and yet another superb performance by Nicole Kidman, this is a grandly involving and engrossing bit of psychodrama about a young girl whose would-be coming of age is interrupted by the death of her father and an unexpected extended visit by her estranged uncle. There's little more to say without ruining is copious surprises. Stoker drips with Hitchcockian suspense, dread, and it's sexy as hell in all the wrong ways. It also has a third act reveal, with nary a drop of blood or gore, that is one of the more horrifying images I saw all year. It made just $1.7 million at the box office. Rent it anyway.

Stories We Tell (Roadside Attractions)

Sarah Polley's piercing examination into her own family's secrets is the best documentary of the year while playing with the notion of what a documentary is or can be. Again, there is little to say without spoiling the genuine surprises that Ms. Polley uncovers about her own legacy and family history, but this is a powerhouse emotional experience and uses the form of the documentary to manipulate our reactions and measure our response.

This is a truly sublime work of art, truly unlike anything else released in 2013. It also declares, without question, that Sarah Polley, after Away From Her and Take This Waltz, is my favorite  director working today. We're always talking about how to broaden the film field for female filmmakers. Hiring Sarah Polley to direct Justice League would be a good start, although that's more for our benefit than hers. She can do what she wants, and I can't wait to see what she does next.

The To-Do List (CBS Films)

Writer/director Maggie Carey's little-seen gem ($3.4 million, but on a $1.5m budget) is my favorite comedy of the year. This 90's period piece features a winning Audrey Plaza as a high school valedictorian who is also a complete sexual virgin and decides to become sexually experienced before she sets off to college. What follows is both a howlingly funny bit of R-rated vulgarity that just happens to be female-centric as well as a painfully timely bit of social commentary on sexual double-standards and how little they've changed during an era of alleged female liberation. Bill Hader is terrific in a slight skewering of the trouble-making "mentor" character often found in such coming-of-age pictures (see Sam Rockwell in The Way, Way Back), and the whole picture is the perfect mix of social relevance and artistic triumph. It's nutritious and delicious in all the best ways.

12 Years A Slave (Fox Searchlight)

I can't imagine that this scorching and emotionally devastating character study of a man (Chiwetel Ejiofor) kidnapped and sold into slavery in pre-Civil War America won't end up on more top-ten lists than any other film this year. It's not a massive hit, with $38 million thus far and the Oscar season still to come, but it is still one of the films that will define the 2013 film year. Director Steve McQueen and writer John Ridley have adapted Solomon Northup's memoirs into more than  just an overt condemnation of the moral cancer that was slavery. It unblinkingly shows the physical horror and psychological torture of forced bondage while also highlighting those who disapproved but went along anyway.

It is also an implicit condemnation of all those who see great evil being done on a societal level and fail to do more than raise an eyebrow in protest. 150 years later, it is all-too easy to scoff at the institution of slavery, yet much harder to honestly look at the more recent cultural sins (the genocidal "war on drugs", the post-9/11 occupations, etc.) and hold ourselves accountable on a moral and possibly spiritual level. Be it Alfre Woodard as a slave who enjoys upper-crust luxuries while her fellow blacks suffer in chains, or Benedict Cumberbatch as an otherwise good man who nonetheless owns slaves, 12 Years A Slave is a piercing look at the institution of creating a relative morality in a time when absolute immorality was the order of the day.

And as such it not only asks us to remember the sins of generations ago but also wonder just what current injustices will be frowned upon by our great grandchildren with just as much fervor. It is a towering achievement, not content to be the defining film about slavery but using that narrative to cast a condemning eye towards the societal evil that occurred and occurs when good people do nothing. It may or may not win a bunch of Oscars this February, but either way it is one of the great films of our time.

And now, my favorite film of the year. It was absolutely no contest.

Gravity (Warner Bros.)

Alfonso Cuarón's masterpiece was a glorious cry of "Hell no!"  It was a gauntlet thrown into the sand against the idea of television being "better" than film, of the movie theater being an unneeded relic of the past, of the need to spoil the entire film in order to build pre-release interest, of the cliches about female-centric genre films being unable to triumph at the worldwide box office, of the financial weakness of original ideas. Alfonso Cuarón and co-writer Jonás Cuarón saw the would-be conventional wisdom and screamed a glorious "Hell no!" a the top of their lungs.

Gravity was the movie going experience of the year and without question my favorite film of 2013. It is a painfully simple story told. It concerns two astronauts (Sandra Bullock and George Clooney) who must find a way to get back to Earth after an accident strands them in space. The "you-are-there" claustrophobia helps make this the scariest film of the year and the most breathtaking in a literal and metaphorical sense. It is gloriously shot in long, unbroken takes that magnified the visual marvels before us. It shows us things that we have never seen before, visions that are beautiful and horrible at the same time. There are moments of visual grandeur that you will want to hang on your wall, yet they are all in service of a potent and engaging story.

And it tells an emotionally compelling story of survival and forgiveness, with Bullock's climactic monologue selling the narrative as strongly as her superb star turn sells the reality of the unreal. Gravity is the essence of why we love the movies and why we still go to the movies.  Of all the would-be presumptions that Cuarón disputes, the most potent is the notion that a new film couldn't possibly remind us how we felt when we saw the films that made us fall in love with cinema as a child. Watching Gravity for the first time reminded me of the classic blockbusters of our youth, be it Star WarsJurassic Park, or The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, both in its seemingly pioneering splendor and in how it reminds us how little we expect from would-be blockbusters and how much they can deliver.

Gravity is an emotional powerhouse and a devastatingly impactful visceral experience. It is filled with glorious sights and terrific performances. It reminded us why we fell in love with cinema in the first place while resoundingly making the case for the importance of the big-screen theatrical experience. For all of these films, along with reaffirming our faith in the movie going populace that made it a leggy global blockbuster ($255m off a $55m debut, $652m worldwide thus far, among the ten highest-grossing live-action "not based on anything" films ever), Gravity is the movie of the year. And it is also my favorite film of 2013.

And that's a wrap for the end of the year.  There were plenty of very good movies that deserve notice as well, including some allegedly fine pictures I missed out on before the deadline (In A WorldThe Act of KillingBlue Jasmine,  etc.).  HerThe Butler, Nebraska, Philomena, and The Wolf of Wall Street will all justifiably make waves come Oscar season next month. Sample the two terrific "war on drugs" documentaries The House I Live In and How To Make Money Selling Drugs and then top it off with the Dwayne Johnson mandatory-minimums action drama Snitch.

August: Assuage County is an all-star acting treat (Julia Roberts and Julianne Nicholson are terrific) while All Is Lost and Captain Phillips are survival story acting showcases for their respective stars (Robert Redford and Tom Hanks). Joss Whedon updated Much Ado About Nothing to emphasize its "slut-shaming" aspects, Matthew McConaughey has a fine supporting turn in Mud, while The Wolverine is a solid example of a comic book film that wins by staying small scale. And finally, do a triple feature of Spring BreakersPain & Gain, and The Bling Ring for a fascinating study in distinctly American hubris in the face of a vanishing "American Dream".

And now it's your turn. What were your favorite films of 2013?  Sound off below!