Recalibrated Formula Eases Women’s Workouts

Stuart Bradford

If you are a woman who exercises, get ready to do some math.

Last week, researchers at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago announced a new formula for calculating a woman’s maximum heart rate, a measure commonly used by athletes to pace themselves and monitor their progress. In a study of nearly 5,500 healthy women, scientists discovered that a decades-old formula for calculating heart rate is largely inaccurate for women, resulting in a number that is too high.

The news may be a vindication to many women who have struggled to keep up with lofty target heart rates espoused by personal trainers and programmed into treadmill displays.

The commonly used formula subtracts a person’s age from 220. But based on the data collected in the Chicago study, the right formula for calculating a woman’s maximum heart rate is a little more complicated: 206 minus 88 percent of a woman’s age.

The findings are significant because many runners, cyclists and other exercisers obsessively monitor their heart rates by taking their pulse and rely on the old formula to gauge the intensity of the workout. The typical goal is to stay within 65 to 85 percent of the estimated maximum heart rate, depending on whether the athlete is trying to build aerobic capacity or increase endurance.

But the new study shows that for women, the number typically derived from the standard formula is far off the mark. Using the old formula of 220 minus age, a 40-year-old woman would achieve an average maximum heart rate of 180 beats per minute. That means her pulse should stay around 153 beats per minute during her workout to achieve a target heart rate of 85 percent.

But based on the new calculation, the same woman’s average maximum heart rate is 171 beats per minute, meaning her desired target heart rate is just 145 beats per minute, 8 beats a minute slower than under the old formula. Although the gap seems small on paper, it can be the difference between an exhilarating workout or a frustrating one that ends in exhaustion.

“There’s nothing wrong with achieving a higher heart rate with exercise, and if you can maintain that, it’s fine,” said Dr. Martha Gulati, a cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine and preventive medicine at Northwestern, who led the study. “But it might be that some women are getting tired and need to stop or slow down because they’re not able to maintain their heart rate at the higher level. But they’ve been using the wrong numbers.”

During the study, researchers collected maximum heart rate data from 5,437 healthy women, aged 35 to 93, who took part in treadmill tests during which they exercised as long and hard as they could until they had to stop. After following the women for 16 years, the researchers found a link between abnormal heart rate responses and higher risk for heart attack.

But the data also helped generate the new formula to calculate maximum heart rate. And it is important to remember that even this formula is based on averages, Dr. Gulati notes. Some women may find that the heart rate calculation is too low or still too high.

Michael Lauer, director of the division of cardiovascular sciences at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, called the work the “best study of exercise in asymptomatic women that we have.”

“We’ve always told people to use 220 minus age based on data in men,” said Dr. Lauer. “This new equation can give women a better estimate of what their peak heart rate ought to be.”

Of course, the new formula for women also raises new questions about the reliability of the old heart rate calculations for men. The original formula stems from research in the early 1970s that reviewed average maximum heart rates from 10 studies of men. The formula was a general calculation made for discussion purposes among academics, never intended to be used by the public.

However, the simplicity of the calculation appealed to a generation of exercisers who were looking for guidance about how hard to push themselves to improve fitness and improve their heart health. Companies promoting heart rate monitors, fitness clubs and family doctors all embraced the formula as a simple measure of fitness and the 220 minus age calculation became standard fitness advice.

But many researchers say it is ridiculous to base exercise goals on a person’s age rather than individual fitness level.

“The fitness industry, by attaching this to every treadmill ever made, kind of perpetuated this formula,” says Dr. Tim Church, an exercise researcher and director of preventive medicine at the Pennington Biomedical Research center in Baton Rouge, La. “There’s the idea that the formula was somehow not working out for women, but I’d make the argument that it doesn’t work out for anybody.”

In 2001, a University of Colorado team also concluded that the standard heart rate equation was inaccurate for both men and women. They devised a similar formula they said applied to both sexes — maximum heart rate equals 208 minus 0.7 times age — but the equation never caught on with the public.

Dr. Church says that except for elite athletes heart rate monitoring is not very useful and can distract from finding an exercise program you enjoy and will stick to. “Everyone kind of has their own natural pace,” Dr. Church says. “If you like to work a little harder, then work harder. If you like to work less hard but a little longer, then do that. Find what works for you.”

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“Everyone kind of has their own natural pace,” Dr. Church says. “If you like to work a little harder, then work harder. If you like to work less hard but a little longer, then do that. Find what works for you.”

Fanfare for the common man. And woman.
God bless Dr. Church who after the gazillions of [mostly worthless] studies that have noted, dissected, kvetched over, disputed, trumpeted, fretted about, used to get bogus tenure, trotted out for committees FINALLY provides golden words that provide useful, actionable advice for the 99.9% of humanity who are NOT elite athletes. Thanks, Doc. Congrats! Hope this brilliant nugget bootstraps you for a Nobel.

Coco @ Opera Girl Cooks July 5, 2010 · 5:37 pm

I’m loving these posts about women and exercise. I’m learning so much! Keep ’em coming!


The Healthy L ibrarian July 5, 2010 · 6:15 pm

One important part of the exercise equation was left out of the new Northwestern calculation–the resting heart rate.

The more fit one is, the lower their resting heart rate is.

If I used the Northwestern formula without taking into account my fitness level via my resting heart rate, I would be working out at a level that was too low for me.

“Unlike your Maximum Heart Rate, which is basically fixed, the Resting Heart Rate is a measure of fitness, and should slowly decrease, as you get more and more fit”

I’m 60 years old and have been working out regularly since my 20’s. Fit–but not in the endurance athlete range by any stretch of the imagination.

If I used the Northwestern formula, my 70% of max heart rate would be just 107–way too low for me.

But if I use the Northwestern formula to get my maximum rate–153.2, and then use a calculation that takes into account my resting heart rate of 57, my 70% now becomes 124–exactly where I like to be when I’m exercising at a low/moderate level.

And my 85% level then becomes 144–again, exactly where I feel comfortable–instead of the Northwestern calculation of 130 for 85% of max..

Here’s the formula that I’m using, along with the Northwestern formula (206- 88% of a woman’sage) to calculate my maximum heart rate (MHR):

((MHR-RHR) x Percent level) + RHR

For example, suppose your MHR is 190 and your RHR is 50. Your calculation for your 95% level would look like this:

((190-50) x .95) + 50) = 183 BPM

For your 90% level, your calculation would appear as follows:

((190-50) x .90) + 50) = 176 BPM

Try it and see if it works out for you.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to exercise without a heart rate monitor–it keeps me honest–and it keeps me safe. Plus, there’s no other way to figure out how to do a high intensity interval.

“Dr. Ken Fujioka of the Scripps Clinic. Advice on Exercise and Weight Loss for the Middle-Aged Set. High-Intensity and Interval Training is a Must!”


“Want to Prevent Weight Gain As You Age? Plan on 60 Minutes a Day of Exercise, Kick It Up a Notch, or Consider Interval Training”


I thought that women’s hearts tended to beat faster than those of men.

Good article. An absolute formula like (220 – age) cannot fit ALL people.

At 58 I am in very good shape and have seen my heart beat go as high as 162 during exercise, which would supposedly be 100% of my max. Which I think would be unlikely.

I did some searching on the net and found some refs that said athletic people should add 8-15 beats to their max, which seems to make sense to me. That would mean I still had some headroom at 162 beats.

BTW: That 162 was for a short period hiking up hills. More typically, I get into the high 140’s to low/mid 150’s for a few minutes at a time. My resting heart rate is generally between 50-55.

Very interesting. Especially due to the fact that the original figures have been referred to in almost every text book advising on increasing fitness. I’m definitely going to post a link on my blog to this for our customers to read. I think it will be very helpful for some of our frustrated customers.
Personal Trainer Melbourne

These types of formulas are very generic and don’t fit people very well.
Anyone who is semi-serious about training and is using HR as a training parameter should do a threshold test and determine your training ranges from that.
I’m in my late 40’s, and my cycling max threshold range is in the low 170’s. My perceived effort is consistent with that. If I was using these other formulas, I wouldn’t be getting as good of a workout.

Oh please. “Athletes” this, “obsessively” that. Anyone who’s even a semi-interested weekend warrior has determined her maximum heart rate for each sport in which she participates. (Any casual athlete also knows that MHR is higher for cycling than for swimming, and higher for running than for cycling.) It’s not true that MHR is higher for athletes; it’s determined by genetics and age. It’s different for every individual and unrelated to physical condition; the only thing that makes athletes different is that they are conditioned. A couch potato runs some risk approaching his MHR. An athlete does not.

The only people who use generic formulas like these are group fitness instructors who need a quick and dirty method to assess the exertion of a diverse group of people, and cardiologists who need to get a baseline stress test without risking their couch-potato patients’ health. Even GFIs are increasingly asking their participants to use perceived exertion, since unsurprisingly, subjective effort correlates quite well with measured heart rate.

Great article. Another example of how what we know about the body has been shaped by researched based on men. We cannot assume that the same rules apply to women. Keep the articles coming.

~JTrempe PT, ATC


I would have thought a better method would be to measure the person’s maximum heart rate using a heart rate monitor under maximum exertion. Then do the math from this.

Alternatively, working at maximum exertion for about 15 minutes should place you close to your anaerobic threshold, which is pretty close to 85% effort.

Or more simply, use Borg’s perceived scale of exertion (you can Google this) to determine your work zones.

The HR formula “for men” was concocted on a plane flight by 8 researchers on the way to presenting a paper at a conference (I think) in Paris. As a practical matter, it hasn’t been very accurate except possibly for sedentary types starting out. What makes the one for women any better?

“Dr. Church says that except for elite athletes heart rate monitoring is not very useful and can distract from finding an exercise program you enjoy and will stick to. “Everyone kind of has their own natural pace,” Dr. Church says. “If you like to work a little harder, then work harder. If you like to work less hard but a little longer, then do that. Find what works for you.”

Excellent advice. Get regular check-ups, throw away your heart-rate monitor, exercise regularly, listen to what your body is telling you and most importantly enjoy.

The whole concept of a “target heart rate” and theoretical maximum heart rate is a ludicrous one meant to appeal only to the lazy and those who want an excuse to slack off.

You want to work out? Then just go as hard as you can, for as long as you can. It should suck. You should contemplate whether dying might feel better, and you should conclude at least 50 percent of the time that it would.

Otherwise, don’t bother. You’re just wasting your time.

I’m 56 and measure my good heart rate by noting when my heart rate doesn’t slow down. I do intervals and after 20 minutes I want a rhythm I can maintain. My high heart rate for two minutes is around 150-165 and my easy rate is around 140-145. If my heart doesn’t slow I reduce the intensity or stop if I’m not feeling well.

If my heart rate didn’t get up to 130 I don’t this it would be an exercise (85% of this formula for my age). But I really think it’s my hearts ability to respond to less stress that really works for me.

After reading the article, I’m thoroughly confused! I’m a pretty fit 59 year old who goes to the gym at least 3 times a week and work up quite a sweat during my workouts. After calculating my heart rate using all the above formulas, I don’t know which to go by. And when I have a physical, my hear rate is typically so low that they always ask if I’m a runner, which I’m now!

Ann Marie

Actually I have always been surprised at how high my heart rate appears to be if I exercise on a treadmill – it is generally higher than what they recommend for a workout, although I don’t feel I am exerting super hard. So this information seems odd to me. I guess everyone is different.

Anne-Marie Hislop July 6, 2010 · 8:03 am

at 65% of max the difference for me is 4 beats per minute – hardly seems significant…

Yee Gads! Is everyone over 58 a math whiz?
I’m a “fit” 70 , 5’5″, 106 lb. and it seems my heart rate RESTING is around 90 …where in the world would it go if I “exercised”? I use the quotes because I find that walking, hiking, yard work, taking care of horses, riding horses, schlepping rocks, is “exercise”.

Since we live in the high desert, “walking” can be translated to “walking uphill” with a pole, or “sliding downhill”.

All I know is that at the end of the day I’m covered with dust, sweat, and exhausted. So, if that’s not working out I’ll eat my (cowboy) hat!

It’s unfortunate that the author left out some important information – the percentage of women for which this equation is accurate and how much of an improvement that is over the old one. I believe that, even for men, the old equation is accurate for only a small percentage of the population. While the equations do offer an easy “dumbed down” calculation for treadmills (whose users are most likely not those who are going to go through the trouble of figuring out their maximum heart rate the hard way), to present them as fact and not approximation does a disservice to the science behind the work and the exercisers trying to use them. In fact, I would bet that the people who are worried now because they still don’t match the equation are in the majority that make up the full variety of the human species.

This excellent article once again demonstrates why it’s better to listen to your own body rather than science. Science invariably get’s the science wrong as in this case where a later study contradicts an earlier one. In another more important way science always gets it wrong because science is interested in averages not individuals. But no one is an average, everyone is an individual.

More proof of women having been shafted by the medical research community as if their health needs don’t matter. When are they going to realize that women are the core gender of the human species and men are simply accessories to make sperm.

And then some of us are freaks of nature, whose MHR is 206 – 0% of our age (It might be higher, but the highest I’ve managed is 207 bpm. 30 years old, in marginally good shape).

I too am curious as to the percentage of women for whom the formula is valid, just because I seem to be such an outlier.

FROM TPP — I think the story mentions that in the study, 25% of women were outliers on the high side.

“In a study of nearly 5,500 healthy women, scientists discovered that a decades-old formula for calculating heart rate is largely inaccurate for women, resulting in a number that is too high.”

Inccurate for women? I don’t quite understand exactly why a woman’s heart rate would be dramatically different than a man’s. The body of a woman and a man is indeed different yet very, very similar in a lot of ways. This seems like an excuse for women to work less hard, or at least a way for us to think that we are working harder than we really are. I am a woman and I would like to think that my heart rate is better measured the same way as the man next to me.

FROM TPP — There is much research to show that women are not just small men. Women have different hormones and body structures, different levels of muscle mass and fat — there are numerous explanations for why a woman’s heart rate would be different than a man’s. We do know that when women have heart disease, it starts later in life and the symptoms of heart attack are different, the survival rates are different. The problem in medicine is that for too long women have been treated as smaller versions of men, when in fact, they have their own unique biology and physiology.

Also, #21, that’s a very narrow-minded point of view.

Women may be the “core gender of the human species” but men as “simply accessories to make sperm”? That is the mindset that winds up garnering disrespect from men. Equality does not occur if either side is being close-minded or inequal.

I did not find this article helpful at all.

What is it to have an “accurate” calculation of one’s maximum heart rate? What is being calculated here? If it is simply the average rate at which most women cannot work any harder, I do not see how it is a useful statistic for any given individual. It tells me nothing about my own maximum heart rate. Even if I know my own maximum heart rate in the above sense, this does not tell me anything about how to use it to improve cardiovascular conditioning.

The conclusion seems to be that women don’t have to push themselves so hard as they may have thought, but I actually don’t see how this follows at all. Even if most women have a lower maximum HR, they might have to exert themselves even MORE than men in order to improve their fitness; or a lot LESS. This is a separate question from the issue of whether men and women have different average maximum HRs.

The real issue seems to be the relationship between exertion and improved cardiovascular condition, and I don’t see that addressed.

Maybe I’m missing something.

FROM TPP — No, women still push themselves to achieve 85% of their maximum heart rate — the question is what is the right target? Maximum heart rate for the individual is determined in a treadmill test, in which a person exercises on a treadmill as long and hard as they can, pushing themselves until they can’t push any more. Once you have max heart rate, the athlete then can use a target heart rate of 85% to gauge their workouts. Since most people can’t do a max heart test, the easier solution is to use an age-based formula to get an estimate. The problem is that a 40 year old woman using the old formula might try for an 85% target rate of 153 but she finds she has to work incredibly hard to achieve it and is exhausted at that level or can’t regularly sustain 85%.. Under the new formula, her number would be 145. So the goal is to still push to 85% of your maximum heart rate — but the target heart rate is now customized to the woman rather than relying on the male-based formula.