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The buzz about ‘Blood Oath’ & the president’s vampire April 14, 2010

Posted by Diana McCabe in Authors, Releases, Reviews/summaries.
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Chris Farnsworth, a journalist buddy turned screen writer/novelist, received a great review from the Washington Post’s Elizabeth Hand on his soon-to-be-released  political thriller BLOOD OATH, about a vampire who has protected every U.S. president for the past 140 years.   Here’s a snippet from the article:

“Such incursions by the Dark Side are not confined to the distant past, of course. Christopher Farnsworth’s taut thriller Blood Oath (Putnam, $24.95, forthcoming next month) is an irresistible page-turner that makes one realize that, no matter how tough the War on Terror may be, at least it’s not the War on Horror. Farnsworth summons his talents as a scriptwriter and journalist to spin a complex and unnervingly realistic tale in which vampire Nathaniel Cade, a Secret Service agent sworn to protect the president, is far less of a monster than his human colleagues at the CIA and FBI. The supernatural elements here are dazzlingly clever. With its labyrinthine plot and byzantine layers of government deceit, “Blood Oath” is a 21st-century riff on themes explored in such classics from America’s first Paranoid Age as “The Manchurian Candidate” and “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Cade is a wonderfully idiosyncratic character: a Christian renegade from the Vampire Nation who attends AA meetings to help him resist the lure of human blood. And as an added bonus, readers finally learn the truth behind the failed assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan and that  mysterious 18 1/2 -minute gap in the Watergate tapes.”

Hand reviewed two other vamp books in her roundup:  A.E. Moorat’s QUEEN VICTORIA: DEMON HUNTER and Seth Grahame-Smith’s ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER. To read the complete article CLICK HERE.

Q&A with BLOOD OATH AUTHOR! We’ll have a Q&A with Chris  on the blog next month after his book is released May 18. If  you have questions, send ’em to me!  Also, check out his book  site HERE. And he’s got a fan site on Facebook HERE.


1. Dot S. - April 15, 2010

This sounds like a wonderful Vampire UF novel. I’m really looking forward to reading this one.

Diana McCabe - April 15, 2010

Hey Dot! Great to hear from you! Blood Oath is definitely a first in a series for this author. Everyone is talking movie etc. Be interesting to see how it plays out. Hope all is well!


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