Fancy Ipad Covers

Today is the launch of THE Ipad, which means huge lines at every Apple store in the country, just to get the first new Apple device.  Some others are  awaiting the launch of the beast, for more business reasons. Itunes is already full of apps and Interview Magazine can’t wait to sell their first issue (they probably already did). Other companies thought about the covers and how to dress the Pad.

This one is my favorite, The Padova iPad Cases by Orbino [start at $205]

Psfk did a nice review on some of the coolest covers out. Here are some of our favorite:

The Vaja Cases , multiple choices of leather and the possibility to customize your design. [starting at $170]

The M-Edge iPad Flip Jacket from Medgestore, looks like a Moleskin Notebook.

The BOOK for Ipad: A handmade hardcover who looks like a book from the outside [$89]

The Vers Audio for a more Woody Effect [$79]

Im sure plenty others will come really soon… For now see some more at Psfk