Taxonomy after Active Tags has been enabled

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Active Tags adds a new option to free tagging taxonomies. If selected the taxonomy widget is replaced by a new jQuery enabled tag entry widget.

Works with core Taxonomy module and Content Taxonomy module.

This module came about through work on a site where some users found separating tags with commas confusing. Some users got it, and some didn't. This resulted in a site littered with concatenated tags. Wordpress has a similar tag entry mechanism where tags are entered separately. It has been implemented here using jQuery to rewrite the standard taxonomy entry form.

What Active Tags Is NOT

Active Tags is NOT a module that creates, stores, selects, or any other action related to handling taxonomy or server side data. If you have an issue with taxonomy performance, storage, autocomplete, or anything else not related to the front end widget, please file an issue with your respective taxonomy module(Taxonomy or Content Taxonomy).

What Active Tags Is

Active Tags is a pure JavaScript widget for changing how users enter taxonomy terms by piggy backing onto taxonomy modules, such as Taxonomy and/or Content Taxonomy. This keeps Active Tags simple and small.

Drupal 7 release

The 7.x-2.x-dev release is ready for use but needs further testing before we can make a production release. If you are using D7 please report any issues.

In D7, since taxonomy is a fieldable entity, this module is now a field widget. That means to use the AT style you need to set your field to use the "Active Tags autocomplete term widget (tagging)" widget.

Project information
