Oceans are amazing places: they provide human beings with food, energy, livelihoods, transportation, and incredible natural beauty. However, human activity has been harming the oceans for generations. You can help reduce the impact by making small but important changes in your daily life.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Choosing Ocean-Friendly Products

  1. Only purchase seafood that has been harvested in a sustainable manner, as overfishing practices threaten the long-term health of ocean ecosystems.[1]
    • There are many seafood guides available online that identify sustainably caught fish, including Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch. Print out a pocket seafood guide or keep one on your phone to have a handy reference when shopping or ordering at restaurants.[2]
    • Look for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification on your favorite seafoods to see if they are sustainably caught or not.[3]
  2. Fish farming practices harm the oceans’ ecosystems, introducing pollutants and diseases. Additionally, the farmed fish can escape into the ocean where they may create competition and threaten native species. Look for labels and packaging that identify the fish as “wild-caught.”[4]
  3. The tiny plastic pellets found in these products wash down household drains and into bodies of water. They may carry pollutants, bacteria, and toxins that can kill fish.[5]
  4. Use your purchasing power to support farmers who avoid or limit their use of pesticides.[6]
    • Look for “organic” labels, shop at local farmers’ markets, and research particular farms and companies online.
    • Consult internet guides about the “risk factors” for pesticides with different types of produce.[7]
Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Disposing of Chemicals Properly

  1. This includes paint, solvents, cleaners, and pesticides. Pollution from household drains, roads, soil, and storm drains often ends up in the seas. Instead, research local collection and safe disposal programs in your area.[8]
  2. Do not pour motor oil down the drain, into the soil, or down a storm drain. Find out if your city or town has a recycling program, or inquire at local auto shops or gas stations, which will often collect the oil for disposal, sometimes for a small fee.[9]
  3. Dispose safely of mercury items such as old batteries, thermometers, and Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs). Hand them in to your local mercury disposal center to make sure they are disposed of properly and efficiently.[10]
  4. Even if you don't live near the sea, the run-off from your yard can end up in the ocean.[11] Consider alternative pest control methods: crowd out weeds, smother them, or pull them by hand.
  5. The nutrients in found in manure and other fertilizers cause harmful algae blooms in the oceans.[12] Plant native species that will thrive in your climate zone without additional fertilizers.
Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Reducing Waste

  1. Plastic waste, improperly disposed of, is a leading cause of harm to oceans and their wildlife. Plastic waste that finds its way to the ocean does not decompose and can collect in the bellies of wildlife or in floating islands of trash.[13]
    • Bring reusable bags to the store, and look for products with minimal packaging.
    • Bring your own mug to the coffee shop, and avoid individually packaged foods and drinks (including single-cup coffee makers).[14]
    • When you cannot avoid plastic packaging, look for items you can reuse or recycle.
  2. Always place your garbage in trash cans, and do not litter. Pay particular attention to plastic items that cannot be recycled and pose a threat to marine and other wildlife.
    • Avoid buying six-packs with plastic ring holders, as fish and birds can get caught in them and suffocate. If you must purchase items with these holders, be sure to cut the rings apart before disposing of them, or look for companies that use holders that are edible for fish.[15]
  3. Rising water temperatures disrupt the oceans’ ecosystems.[16] Find ways to reduce your “carbon footprint” by minimizing your use of energy produced by burning petroleum, coal, and other fossil fuels.
    • Buy local and in-season produce. The shorter the distance your food has to travel from its origin to your plate, the less energy spent and fewer pollutants produced to get it there.
    • Support renewable energy. Check with your energy company to see if you can opt for wind- or solar-produced power.
    • Make your home more energy efficient. Look for energy efficient light bulbs and household appliances. Many utility companies offer free energy audits that check your windows and doors, HVAC system, insulation, and other features of your home where heat loss frequently occurs.
    • Reduce the amount of gasoline you use by carpooling or taking public transportation, or combining multiple errands into one trip. Or, walk or ride a bike, if you can.[17]
Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Conserving Water

  1. Conserving water used by households means less water being processed in sewage treatment plants. This will reduce the number of contaminants that are released into bodies of water from your home. This helps them run more efficiently, preventing leaks, spills, and seepage into the ecosystem.[18]
    • Take shorter showers and turn off the water when brushing your teeth.
    • Ensure that your washing machine and dishwasher are full when you run them.
    • Use timers for watering your yard or garden, and choose plants that need less water.
  2. Keep your plumbing in good shape. This will prevent unnecessary water waste as well as maintain the value of your home.[19]
    • Watch out for dripping faucets or other leaks.
    • If your house is served by a septic system, make sure it is inspected and pumped out every three years.
  3. Low-flow toilets and shower heads will dramatically reduce the amount of water used in a household, saving money and reducing the amount of water that needs to be treated.[20]
Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Volunteering and Reaching Out

  1. Learning more about the harmful effects of mankind’s activities will make you a more effective advocate for the oceans. Some of the things to read up on include the problems of overfishing,[21] the impacts of climate change on the ocean,[22] the damage from agricultural, industrial, and sewage waste.[23]
  2. Encourage your family and friends to learn more, and to develop ocean-friendly habits. Be vocal about your concerns on social media. Write or call your representatives, show up for town hall meetings, or write letters to the editor of your local paper.
  3. If you live near the ocean, join a beach or underwater clean-up group. These events are usually organized locally by community groups or municipalities, and in some cases are held across the country on specific dates.[24]
  4. Consider sharing your time or money with an organization whose mission includes ocean conservation.[25]

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    Why is it important for us to take care of our environment?
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    We only have one planet to live on. We need to take care of the environment so we can live healthy lives.
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About this article

Bess Ruff, MA
Co-authored by:
Environmental Scientist
This article was co-authored by Bess Ruff, MA. Bess Ruff is a Geography PhD student at Florida State University. She received her MA in Environmental Science and Management from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2016. She has conducted survey work for marine spatial planning projects in the Caribbean and provided research support as a graduate fellow for the Sustainable Fisheries Group. This article has been viewed 109,215 times.
26 votes - 64%
Co-authors: 36
Updated: October 10, 2022
Views: 109,215
Article SummaryX

You can help protect the ocean by purchasing only sustainable, wild-caught fish in stores and restaurants. Avoid purchasing soaps with microbeads and produce grown using pesticides, as these eventually wash into the ocean. You can also prevent household chemicals from polluting the ocean by safely disposing of paints, solvents, and motor oil through local recycling and safe disposal programs. To learn how to help the ocean by using energy efficient lightbulbs and buying local produce, scroll down.

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