This is a simple and easy fresh cheese originating from the Middle East. It looks lovely, it tastes great and it's healthy, spreadable and inexpensive. Moreover, it is easy to make. This recipe will make approximately 12 oz. of labneh cheese.


  • 500g/17 oz plain full fat yogurt or soy yogurt, purchased or make your own
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (if you'd rather have a sweet version, use 3 tablespoons of superfine/caster sugar instead of the salt)
  • Flavorings/spices: crushed coriander or cumin seeds, citrus zest, pinch dried chilli, fresh herbs finely chopped, vanilla paste, chopped dried fruits, etc. (Optional)


  1. Rinse the cheesecloth or muslin and line a colander or sieve with it. Ensure that excess cloth hangs over the edges; you'll be using this to tie up with. You can also use a large paper coffee filter for this, but it takes a little longer than cheesecloth.
  2. Alternatively, use a jelly stand if you have one.
  3. Pour the yogurt into another mixing bowl. Add the salt (or sugar). If using flavorings or spices, add at this stage. Anything added should be completely stirred through. Traditionalists enjoy this cheese extremely pungent, so adding spices is usual. Experiment with different mixes to find what works best for you. If you'd rather add the spices or flavorings later, see below.
  4. It's best spooned in, to save splashing mess.
  5. Bring up the sides and tie tightly with string, leaving a length of string to tie up so the bag will hang and drip into the bowl placed beneath the bag.
  6. The easiest thing to use is a small plate with a can placed on top. It doesn't need to be that heavy.
    • You can also choose to leave the weight off and let the cheese come together with gravity. Wrap it in a cheesecloth, tie it off with twine, let hang it in the kitchen over a bowl.
  7. Purists leave the cheese out in a cool room to drip into a sink. However, if your kitchen or storage area isn't very cool, to minimize the risk of bacteria or mold, place the cheese mixture into the refrigerator.
  8. Unwrap the cheese and drain any excess liquid (there is usually some); this is the "whey", while the remaining cheese is the "curds." Reserve the drained liquid and turn the cheese onto a plate or into a bowl.
  9. Placing plastic wrap directly on the surface of the cheese keeps it fresher.
  10. The cheese is for spreading and goes well with fresh bread and on crackers. It's also enjoyable on its own, added to a platter of dips and crudités and as a topping for steamed vegetables.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Which yogurt is best for this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The ultimate would be an organic, full fat, plain Greek yogurt. You want the most natural unflavored yogurt so you can add your own flavor or herbs.
  • Question
    What do I do with the reserved liquid?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The liquid is the "whey". It is full of protein and other vitamins and minerals. Add it to smoothies for a healthier drink.
  • Question
    Can you buy this? Is it like Turkish white cheese sold in liquid?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It is sold throughout the Middle East in grocery stores.
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  • Don't discard the whey! It is full of minerals and enzymes. Use it as the liquid in your next batch of bread, soup, pancakes or muffins; it will make the best pancakes or muffins you have ever had!
  • Use as a low-fat cream cheese substitute in dip recipes.
  • Add 100 ml (3oz) of fresh double cream for a cheese very similar to cream cheese.
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  • Be sure to rinse your cheesecloth well before using it, you don't want the cheese to taste like dish-soap, or dryer sheets.
  • Don't take a chance with bacterial contamination by draining this at room temperature.

Things You'll Need

  • Cheesecloth or muslin (calico)
  • Colander or sieve
  • Mixing bowls x 2
  • String
  • Bowl
  • Optional: Salt, Herbs, Garlic, Fruit


  1. Recipe checked against Alice Hart, Vegetarian, pp. 50-51, 2011, ISBN 978-1-74266-339-5.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 324,866 times.
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Co-authors: 31
Updated: December 11, 2022
Views: 324,866
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  • Maureen Joubert

    Maureen Joubert

    Jul 31, 2016

    "I found the clear and detailed descriptions great as well as the hints on how to use labneh. This has helped me..." more

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