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Flip That Thought!

Flip That Thought!

By Angel Eyes

We often hear about the power of positive thinking. New Agers, life coaches, spiritual guidance specialists, and the like tout the importance of not dwelling on the negative and focusing only on the positive. However, when we find ourselves going through difficult times we can almost become annoyed with those “preaching” from that perspective. Surely, we can all relate to a statement such as this one:  “Love and light, positive thinking, law of attraction, blah, blah, blah. That is all fine and good, but the reality is that there are problems in my life. Life is not all roses, and people need to live in the reality of life’s situations, rather than with their heads in the clouds. ”

There is, indeed, some truth found in this perspective. Life can be harsh, as we have learned in the past and are experiencing in the present. The Shift of 2012 brings with it change. Often times, change can be quite difficult. Life, in general, and the people that surround us, can be difficult. It is not wrong to acknowledge the challenges and hardships in life, as we must face these things and grow from them. Truthfully, it can be healthy to meet these trials and the negative aspects of our life head on and call them out. Say it hurts, say it is painful, say it less than desirable, but then move on. The trick is to stay out of the rut of negativity that challenges and trying relationships can spur on.

It is all too easy to slip into a pattern of complaints, worry, and negative affirmations about ourselves, others, and life situations. Our words truly do carry more weight and energy than we tend to realize. Do you ever find yourself saying, “I’m sick of (fill in the blank)?” If you do this frequently, you may find that you actually become physically sick. Have you spent time around an overly critical or negative person? Do you find that it drains you? It is important that we, ourselves, are not responsible for carrying this type of energy into our lives, or into the lives and homes of our families, friends, pets, or any other loved ones. These habitual pitfalls create negative stress which, in turn, harms our minds, bodies, and spirits as well as those of the ones closest to us. Recognizing the cycle it can set into motion, breeding negativity into those around us, is imperative. We do have the power to improve our lives and our state of mind. We must realize that complaints and negativity relinquishes that power to others. Changing these habits essentially becomes a matter of retraining and redirecting our thoughts. We must school ourselves. This is a day to day struggle, but one that is worth it. Our angels stand by our side ready and willing to help us.

Often times we have energy cords connecting us to people, places, or situations that tie us down. Archangel Michael will gladly help us cut those cords if we ask. When we are forced to interact with others that carry toxic energies, rather than complaining or making negative comments, we can ask our angels to guard us from those energies. When we become overwhelmed with worry, it is best to turn that worry into a positive thought, affirmation, or prayer.

A very gifted lady who is near and dear to my heart once told me that, during a “negative thought moment”, she was going to “flip that thought.” I thought this was a wonderful phrase. It called to mind the popular TLC TV Show and concept, Flip That House, in which buyers with a vision purchase a less-than-desirable home, renovate it, and sell it for a profit.

With the help of our celestial support system, we all have the opportunity to enforce this concept. When we are faced with the negative forces of life’s difficult people and situations, let’s acknowledge the reality of the situation at hand, pull ourselves up by our boot straps, and move forward on the positivity train. We should always ponder how we can learn and grow from a situation. Let’s take that negative thought and flip it to a positive thought in order to create a profit in our own lives. What can it hurt? There is no real risk here. Positivity beats negativity any day, in any way, even if its only purpose is to make us happier, more peaceful people. Just as house flippers have a vision for renovation, we can use positive visualization coupled with our thoughts and words to renovate our souls!

Enclosed you will find (with her permission) the beautifully channeled words of that very gifted lady I was speaking of:

Angel Thoughts

My Angel shares a message
Teaching me to flip a thought
Great ideas in her journal
Come to me when I’m distraught
Emotions can control us
Letting hardships bring us down
Then we lose our sense of balance
Victims stumble on the ground
Fearing all the problems
Feelings are put to test
In the school of reinforcement
Love connects me to the best
When I call upon my Angel
She orchestrates belief
Her guidance can be helpful
The lesson is in reach
Constant worry is unhealthy
Change the thought that makes you cry
Embrace a realm of structure
Unveil the spirit born to fly
If the mind allows this process
There is joy along the way
By unfolding something special
Sunshine brightens up the day
If we build a new foundation
And stop addressing all that’s wrong
We relate to a place of comfort
Better thoughts will make us strong
We are blessed with wings of freedom
Inner strength is ours to keep
Through the power of intention
Capture Angel thoughts of peace

© 2012 Sheila Fair

See Also

These words are inspired by spirit and are validation that it is possible to uplift our thoughts, words, and actions to a higher frequency and benefit greatly from it. We are here to grow and evolve, touching the lives of others in the process. We should be mindful of exactly how we are influencing other lives, not to mention our own. Self-improvement doesn’t come easy. Change takes work. The thoughts that find footing in our brains become the foundation for all else. The Angels remind us to find and embrace the love in ourselves and all others we come in contact with. So, as a negative/critical thought or emotion creeps in, we should inspect it, then break out our tool belts and get to work on flipping that thought!

By: Angel Eyes Intuitive, Spiritual Guidance Specialist and Sheila (She-loves) Fair

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* Angel Eyes Intuitive is proud to be a Featured Advisor with Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics. You can learn more about her and her services at  Sheila Fair is an intuitive writer. She writes channeled poetry.

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