Livescribe and Evernote Partner Up for Multimedia Notetaking

Livescribe’s Smartpens take manuscript and audio notes. Evernote backs up and syncs multimedia notes across devices and platforms in the cloud, even doing basic OCR on photos. Now the two companies have teamed up, making for an extraordinarily versatile notetaking solution. “Many of our customers have been asking for this capability,” said Livescribe’s Byron Connell […]

Livescribe's Smartpens take manuscript and audio notes. Evernote backs up and syncs multimedia notes across devices and platforms in the cloud, even doing basic OCR on photos. Now the two companies have teamed up, making for an extraordinarily versatile notetaking solution.

"Many of our customers have been asking for this capability,” said Livescribe's Byron Connell in a press release. “Livescribe is dedicated to improving the way people capture, access and share information, and will continue to identify strategic partners, like Evernote, where software integration will allow consumers to get even more value from our technology while using their preferred business applications and information management tools.”

Exporting Livescribe notes to PDFs and uploading them to Evernote is an extremely popular workflow for smartpen users, as we saw in our Livescribe Echo how-to earlier this month. Livescribe has its own Evernote-like cloud backup and sharing services, but Evernote's versatility and the value of having all of your notes (manuscript, text, photos) in one place has been more appealing.

With the new version of Livescribe Desktop, available now as a free download for Windows and Mac, that workflow is streamlined to a single click. Users selecting "share to Evernote" from the can upload audio, images or both to their Evernote accounts, which are then indexed for search in Evernote. Pencasts (a little movie that plays notes with corresponding audio in sync) can still only be uploaded and viewed using a Livescribe account and the Pencast Player.

Livescribe and Evernote describe this initial feature as a "first step" in their partnership and promise more to come.

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