Skin Tags: Causes and Home Remedies

By Patricia | January 24, 2010

What Causes Skin Tags

Skin tags are a very common occurrence and, although rather harmless, they can cause a significant amount of concern to someone who is not aware of their benign nature. For those who are aware of what skin tags are, the anxiety and nervousness will largely be borne out of the knowledge that the growths can have a very degrading effect on a person’s aesthetic appeal – something which is becoming more and more important in today’s world. The skin tags will appear to be small pieces of hanging skin and are most likely to occur in areas such as the eyelids, underarms, neck and under the breasts – however, they can grow on any part of the body that s covered by skin. Recent studies show that almost 50% of the entire population of the United States of America suffers from the growth of skin tags on some or the other part of their body. The tags will generally tend to manifest only once the individual has reached adulthood and are known to be more common in individuals that are above the age of 60.

Some of the most common causes of the development of skin tags include the constant chaffing and irritation when one area of skin rubs against another, insulin resistance as a result of diabetes or even illegal steroid use which is known to interfere with the functioning of the muscles in the body causing the collagen fibers within the skin to bond and form skin tags.

Home Remedies For Skin Tags: Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Because of the fact that skin tags are such a common occurrence, there are a number of home remedies that have been developed and tested over the years that are known to be rather effective. You could try, for example, immersing the effected area of skin in some warm water for a period of about 30 minutes before you apply some apple cider vinegar over the growth with the help of a ball of cotton and leave the cotton on the area for 15 minutes. Proceed to clean the area and continue with the procedure on a regular basis before you notice the skin tag falling off. Baking soda is also known to be very effective when it comes to treating skin tags. Mix some amount of the soda with water and apply it over the skin tag for a period of about 30 minutes. Again, performing this treatment on a regular basis is known to be very effective in treating skin tags.

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